Coffee Science

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    Arabica coffee cultivars in different water regimes in the central cerrado region
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-07) Veiga, Adriano Delly; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Rocha, Omar Cruz; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Guerra, Antônio Fernando; Silva, Thiago Paulo da
    Phenotypic characterization of coffee cultivars under an irrigation system, as well as adaptability to controlled water stress, aiming at flowering uniformity, high yield and grain quality, plays an important role in coffee production in the cerrado areas. A field trial was carried out aiming to evaluate the agronomic performance of arabica coffee cultivars under different water regimes, using center pivot irrigation: irrigation throughout the year (WR1); suspended at the end of June for 40 days until leaf water potential reached -1.5 MPa (WR2); suspended at the end of June for 70 days until leaf water potential reached -2.3 MPa (WR3); suspended at the end of June for 100 days until leaf water potential reached -3.4 MPa (WR4); and a non-irrigated regime (WR5). The following traits were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, canopy projection, number of plagiotropic branches, coffee grain yield, percentage of fruit in the cherry stage, and sieve retention percentages. Higher yield, plant growth, and percentage of fruit in the cherry stage are observed in the water regime with seventy days of controlled water stress (WR3). The Obatã IAC 1669-20 cultivar exhibits high yield and plant growth values in an irrigated system, and Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86 stands out in the non-irrigated system. For these genotypes, the coffee grain yield is most highly correlated with number of reproductive branches.
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    Yield, quality and water consumption of conilon coffee m. under irrigated and dryland managements
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-07) Dardengo, Maria Christina Junger Delôgo; Pereira, Lucas Rosa; Sousa, Elias Fernandes de; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos
    In this study the goal was to make an assessment and comparison of the yield, quality and water consumed by the Conilon coffee plants under irrigated and dryland types of cultivation, from seedlings raised in different containers and under varying shading levels. The experiment which extended from December 2007 to April 2012 was performed at the IFES, Alegre-ES Campus and involved the study of a total of four crops. The findings showed that the irrigated plants had 162% higher yield on average than did the rainfed plants. For the irrigated plants, the yield indices achieved were 4.5 kg of coffee of the planted / benefited area; 1.9 kg of coconut / beneficiated coffee and 5.6 balms of 80 L sc-1; whereas, for the rainfed plants, the values recorded were 8.2 kg of coffee from the benefited field; 3.1 kg of coconut / beneficiated coffee and 12 balloons of 80 L sc-1. The Conilon coffee grains harvested from the irrigated plants were superior in quality to those from the rainfed plants. For the irrigated plants, the water consumed on average was 7.9 m 3 per plant, while for the rainfall-dependent crop, it was 4.95 m 3 . For the irrigated and rainfed plants the relations between the water consumption / kg of the beneficiated coffee was 8.8 m 3 and 30.3 m 3 , respectively. The type of container and levels of shading exerted no influence on the Conilon coffee with respect to productivity, yield and quality.
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    Selection of Coffea arabica L. hybrids using mixed models with different structures of variance-covariance matrices
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-07) Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Carvalho, Samuel Pereira de; Rezende, Tiago Teruel; Oliveira, Leonardo Luiz; Maia, Diego Rosa Baquião
    This study aimed to evaluate different structures of variance-covariance matrices in modeling of productive performance of coffee genotypes over the years, and select hybrids of Coffea arabica using mixed models. A mixed linear model was used to estimate variance components, heritability coefficients, and prediction of genetic values of hybrids and cultivars. Three commercial cultivars and eight hybrids of C. arabica L. were evaluated. The field production after acclimatization of seedlings was conducted in March 2006. The yield averages from 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2014 agricultural years were evaluated. The selection criteria of models were used to test 10 structures of variance-covariance matrices, and later a model was chosen to estimate the components of variance, heritability coefficients, and prediction of genetic values. According to Bayesian information criterion (BIC), the best structure was ARMA (Autoregressive Moving Average); however, considering the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICC), the CSH (Heterogeneous Composite Symmetric) was indicated. The Spearman correlation between the genotypic values ​​obtained in the models with ARMA and CSH type R matrix was 0.84. The high and positive correlation indicates that the best model could involve the R matrix with ARMA or CSH structure. The heritability of individual genotypes differed from heritability in broad sense, which considers the independence among agricultural years. Hybrids with higher performance were identified by ordering the genotypic effects, among them, H 2.2, H 4.2, and H 6.1 hybrids were highlighted.
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    Adaptation of progenies/cultivars of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in mountainous edafoclimatic conditions
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-04) Krohling, Cesar Abel; Matiello, José Braz; Almeida, Saulo Roque de; Eutrópio, Frederico Jacob; Carvalho, Carlos Henrique de Siqueira
    Brazil is known for production and worldwide export of coffees. Study of adaptation of new progenies/cultivars of Arabica coffee (C. arabica L.) with resistance to rust in mountainous edaphoclimatic conditions is important for crop renewal and also for new plantations. This study was performed in the mountainous region of the Espírito Santo state, Brazil, with 30 progenies/cultivars of Arabica coffee planted at 2.5 x 0.7 m spacing with four replicates and seven plants/plot. The objective of the study was to evaluate the adaptation of rust-resistance coffee genotypes and compare them with the standard cultivars (Yellow and Red Catuaís), with regards to the characteristics of productivity, rust infection, productivity, sieve, aspect, plant vigor and yield according to the different maturity periods of the fruits. The results show that there are progenies/cultivars available with yields superior to Red and Yellow Catuais for the five different maturation periods. The progenies/cultivars present tolerance/resistance to rust, high plant vigor and good agronomic characteristics of the beans. These are options for new plantations or for renovation of crops for high harvest yield and do not required the use of pesticides.
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    Agronomic performance and adaptability of arabic coffee resistant to leaf rust in the central brasilian savanna
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-01) Veiga, Adriano Delly; Rocha, Omar Cruz; Guerra, Antônio Fernando; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Pereira, Welington; Silva, Thiago Paulo da; Silva, Evandro Ribeiro da
    Breeding programs and later indication of rust resistant cultivars for different environments and crops systems, in the concept of diseases integrated control, reach out for productivity raising and reduced production costs. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance and adaptability of new Coffea arabica cultivars and progenies resistant to leaf rust in Central Brazilian Savanna. The experiment has been conducted since 2008 in an experimental area of Embrapa Hortaliças. Twenty three resistant cultivars, four progenies and three susceptible cultivars as controls, were assessed in a complete randomized block design with four replicates. The following traits were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, canopy projection, number of plagiotropic branches, yield, grains percentage retained in sieves above 17, grain ripening and diseases resistance. Catucaí 2SL, Sacramento and Araponga stood out in vegetative growth. The highest yields are observed for IPR 103, Obatã 1669-20, Palma II, Sabiá 398 and Acauã, with values higher than 60 sacks per hectare. Among all these cultivars is observed high resistance to rust leaf and greater susceptibility to brown eye spot in the cultivar Acauã, for the place and period of evaluation.
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    Adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica de progênies F4 de Coffea arabica L.
    (Editora UFLA, 2017-10) Dias, Rodrigo Elias Batista Almeida; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Botelho, Cesar Elias; Carvalho, Alex Mendonça de; Carvalho, João Paulo Felicori; Cardoso, Diego Abreu
    A busca por novos genótipos com ampla adaptabilidade e estabilidade aliados a boas características agronômicas tem sido o principal foco dos programas de melhoramento do cafeeiro no Brasil. No presente trabalho objetivou-se selecionar progênies de C. arabica, em relação à adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica da produtividade, para identificar os genótipos de melhor comportamento frente às variações ambientais. O experimento foi instalado em janeiro de 2007, nos Campos Experimentais da EPAMIG, nos municípios de Machado-MG e São Sebastião do Paraíso-MG. Foram realizadas análises de estabilidade e adaptabilidade, utilizando os métodos de Annicchiarico (1992), Ecovalência (WRICKE, 1965) e AMMI (ZOBEL; WRIGHT; GAUCH, 1988). Para estas análises foram consideradas como ambiente as combinações entre anos e locais. Foi avaliada a produtividade das progênies em sacas por hectare entre os anos de 2009 a 2015. Já nas colheitas de 2013, 2014 e 2015, além da avaliação de produtividade, foram avaliadas características agronômicas relacionadas ao rendimento, como: determinação de renda, rendimento e análise de peneira. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e parcelas constituídas por 10 plantas. As progênies 107-47-02 Cova 1 e H 105-01-39 Cova 1 apresentaram melhor comportamento frente às variações ambientais, podendo ser utilizadas para o avanço de gerações no programa de melhoramento.
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    Arbuscular mycorrhiza in Coffea arabica L.: review and meta-analyses
    (Editora UFLA, 2017-07) Cogo, Franciane Diniz; Guimarães, Paulo Tácito Gontijo; Rojas, Enrique Pouyú; Saggin Júnior, Orivaldo José; Siqueira, Jose Oswaldo; Carneiro, Marco Aurelio Carbone
    Coffee, a plant of global economic importance, presents a high degree of micotrophy for nutrients absorption, especially phosphorus, whose sources are scarce, and extremely required in tropical soils. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and coffee crop (Coffea arabica) have been studied for more than three decades, and therefore, analyzing and gathering these studies in a quantitative and qualitative way by means of meta-analysis and critical review of advances and trends is of great relevance. In this review, aspects such as geographic distribution, ecology, effects on plant growth, mineral nutrition, myotrophism, and symbiotic efficiency and its applications were discussed, with special emphasis on the researches carried out in Brazil. By applying the electronic databases Cab Abstracts, Springerlink, Science Direct, Scielo, Scopus, ISI, Lilascs, Woldcat, 73 studies were analyzed, including papers, dissertations and theses. The meta-analysis showed the importance of AMF for growth, plant nutrition and grain yield. Nevertheless, a gap is still evident in the evaluation of the different management strategies adopted in coffee crop and their effects on AMF. The need to extend the research under field conditions was also detected, in order to confer the real contribution of AMF in coffee biocontrol, and their action as biofertilizers and biostimulants.
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    Seleção de progênies F4 oriundas do cruzamento Icatu e Catuaí amarelo com resistência à ferrugem
    (Editora UFLA, 2016-10) Cardoso, Diego de Abreu; Mendes, Antonio Nazareno Guimarães; Carvalho, Alex Mendonça; Lima, Amador Eduardo de; Botelho, Cesar Elias; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Dias, Rodrigo Elias Batista Almeida
    Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar e selecionar progênies de cafeeiros em geração F 4 visando à obtenção de cultivares resistentes à ferrugem e com características agronômicas superiores às cultivares tradicionais. Este trabalho foi conduzido com 33 progênies obtidas do cruzamento entre cultivares do grupo Icatu com Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 e IAC 17,as progênies IAC 5002 e IAC 5010 e três testemunhas suscetíveis. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, dez plantas por parcela. A produtividade (sacas.ha - 1), porcentagem de grãos retidos em peneira “17 e acima”, vigor vegetativo, incidência e severidade da ferrugem foram avaliados por quatro safras. Os resultados indicaram que as progênies avaliadas apresentaram variabilidade para as características analisadas. Conclui-se que as progênies H 141-17-46 Cova 8, H 41-26-48 Cova 14 e H 141-10-10 Cova 5 apresentam os maiores valores para produtividade na média dos quatro anos avaliados, baixa incidência e severidade da ferrugem e alto vigor vegetativo, demonstrando a possibilidade de selecionar progênies em circulação na população estudada.
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    New management technology for arabica coffee: the cyclic pruning program for arabica coffee
    (Editora UFLA, 2016-10) Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Mauri, Aldo Luiz; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Tristão, Fabiano Alixsandro; Andrade Júnior, Saul de
    This study aimed to better understand the productive behavior of Coffea arabica when cultivated using the new management of Cyclic Pruning Program for Arabica Coffee (CPPAC), stablished using the same principles of the Cyclic Pruning Program for Conilon Coffee. The experiment was carried out in Baixo Guandú, Espírito Santo state, in the Southeast region of Brazil, in order to test the conditioning of this new pruning management for Arabica coffee (CPPAC) over the crop yield of a plantation of Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81. It was found increased crop yield with use of the (CPPAC) over the traditional management of Arabica coffee, considering five consecutive years of production. The (CPPAC) technique can be used as a viable alternative for pruning management of Arabica coffee.
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    Desempenho agronômico de populações de cafeeiros do grupo ‘Bourbon’
    (Editora UFLA, 2016-01) Lima, Amador Eduardo de; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Botelho, César Elias; Castro, Elisa de Melo; Cardoso, Diego de Abreu
    A seleção de materiais genéticos de cafeeiros influencia diretamente na obtenção de genótipos mais produtivos e com alta qualidade de bebida. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar, em duas regiões do estado de Minas Gerais, características agronômicas de cafeeiros do grupo Bourbon, com potencial para produção de cafés especiais, visando à seleção de populações com alta produtividade, adaptadas e estáveis. Foram avaliados 20 tratamentos, sendo 17 populações de cafeeiros do grupo Bourbon e três cultivares amplamente cultivadas no Brasil. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC), com três repetições e cada parcela foi composta por dez plantas. Avaliaram-se as características de produtividade de grãos, porcentagem de grãos com peneira 16 e acima, vigor vegetativo, adaptabilidade e estabilidade nos três locais em estudo (Lavras, Três Pontas e Patrocínio). As populações estudadas apresentam maior potencial produtivo na região Sul de Minas, representada pelos municípios e Lavras e Três Pontas do que na região do Alto Paranaíba. As populações 05 (Bourbon Amarelo - Faz. Boa Vista / Campos Altos – MG), 17 (Bourbon Amarelo - Faz. Monte Alegre - Talhão Limoeiro / Alfenas - MG) e 19 (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 - Faz. Experimental de Machado - MG), mostram-se mais produtivas, adaptadas e estáveis. A alta produtividade aliada a outras características agronômicas de interesse, apresentadas pelas populações de café Bourbon, evidenciam o seu alto potencial para seleção.