Caracterização morfométrica e molecular de populações de Pratylenchus coffeae e reações de leguminosas e gramíneas ao parasitismo
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Centro acadêmico de Vitória - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Pratylenchus coffeae, conhecida popularmente no Nordeste por nematoide das lesões do inhame-da- costa, apresenta diversidade morfológica e de virulência entre populações de diferentes localidades. Como consequência, têm sido descritas novas espécies, a exemplo de P. pseudocoffeae e P. jaehni, anteriormente consideradas P. coffeae. Outra questão de relevo é o difícil controle populacional do nematoide no campo. O objetivo da pesquisa foi inicialmente caracterizar taxonomicamente dez populações do nematoide das lesões do inhame da costa, coletadas em diferentes regiões produtoras do Estado de Pernambuco. Para tal, foram utilizadas análises morfométricas e moleculares. Os resultados mostraram que as dez populações eram similares entre si e que possuíam mais de 70% de similaridade com os dados da literatura referentes à P. coffeae. Quanto a análise molecular, todos os espécimes analisados apresentaram 100% de homologia para P. coffeae, considerando-se as sequências do GenBank. Com isto, confirmou-se a identidade do nematoide das lesões do inhame-da-costa no Nordeste como sendo P. coffeae. O segundo objetivo foi identificar reações de hospedabilidade, resistência, tolerância, intolerância e de susceptibilidade em três leguminosas e em cinco gramíneas, todas de valor comercial, em relação ao parasitismo de P. coffeae. Os resultados mostraram que as variedades leguminosas feijão macassar IPA- 206 e IPA- 207 e as gramíneas milho São José e o milho doce como maus-hospedeiros-resistentes e o sorgo granífero como não-hospedeiro. Todos os genótipos podem ser utilizados em planos de rotação de culturas para controle de P. coffeae.
Pratylenchus coffeae popularly known in the Northeast of Brazil by the yam leasion nematode, has high morphological diversity and virulence among populations from different location. As consequence, new species have been described, such as P. pseudocoffeae and P. jaehni, previously considered as P. coffeae. Another issue of importance is the difficults to control this nematode populations under field conditios. The objectives of this research were initially to characterize taxonomically ten populations of the yam leason nematode, collected in different yam producing areas of the State of Pernambuco. For this, it was used morphometric and molecular methods. The results showed that the ten populations were morphologicaly similar to each other, having more than 70% similarity to the literature data for P. coffeae. Through the molecular analysis it was concluded that all specimens have 100% homology to P. coffeae, considering the sequences presented by the GenBank. With these results it was confirmed the taxonomical identity of the yam lesion nematode occuring in the Northeast of Brazil as P. coffeae. The second objective was to identify reactions of hospitability, resistence, tolerance, intolerance and susceptibility in three legumes and five grasses genotypes, all considered as cash crops, in relation to P. coffeae parasitism to be used in croprotations to control the yam leasion nematode. The results pointed out that the legumes cowpea IPA-206 and IPA-207 and the grasses St. Joseph grass and sweet corn as poor-host-resistants and the sorghum graminífero as non-host. All these genotypes may be used in crop rotation progrms for controlling P. coffeae.
Pratylenchus coffeae popularly known in the Northeast of Brazil by the yam leasion nematode, has high morphological diversity and virulence among populations from different location. As consequence, new species have been described, such as P. pseudocoffeae and P. jaehni, previously considered as P. coffeae. Another issue of importance is the difficults to control this nematode populations under field conditios. The objectives of this research were initially to characterize taxonomically ten populations of the yam leason nematode, collected in different yam producing areas of the State of Pernambuco. For this, it was used morphometric and molecular methods. The results showed that the ten populations were morphologicaly similar to each other, having more than 70% similarity to the literature data for P. coffeae. Through the molecular analysis it was concluded that all specimens have 100% homology to P. coffeae, considering the sequences presented by the GenBank. With these results it was confirmed the taxonomical identity of the yam lesion nematode occuring in the Northeast of Brazil as P. coffeae. The second objective was to identify reactions of hospitability, resistence, tolerance, intolerance and susceptibility in three legumes and five grasses genotypes, all considered as cash crops, in relation to P. coffeae parasitism to be used in croprotations to control the yam leasion nematode. The results pointed out that the legumes cowpea IPA-206 and IPA-207 and the grasses St. Joseph grass and sweet corn as poor-host-resistants and the sorghum graminífero as non-host. All these genotypes may be used in crop rotation progrms for controlling P. coffeae.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida no Centro acadêmico de Vitória - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
Nemastóide, Inhame, Morfologia, Fitonematóides
LIRA, V. L. Caracterização morfométrica e molecular de populações de Pratylenchus coffeae e reações de leguminosas e gramíneas ao parasitismo. 2013. 59 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Humana e Meio Ambiente) - Centro acadêmico de Vitória, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Vitória de Santo Antão. 2013.