Caracterização agronômica de acessos de café Conilon irrigado no Cerrado do Planalto Central
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Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
O Cerrado brasileiro despontou nos últimos anos como uma região bastante propícia à cultura do café, com grandes áreas e alto investimento em tecnologia. O café Conilon, tradicionalmente limitado às regiões de baixa altit ude, apresenta rusticidade e elevada produtividade, com grande potencial para produção e m maior escala nesse bioma. Para tanto, são necessários estudos que avaliem a possibilidade de adaptação desta espécie às condições edafoclimáticas e ao sistema de manejo utilizado na região. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de gen ótipos de café Conilon, oriundos de cruzamentos em campo isolado da cultivar Robusta Tropical, no Cerrado do Distrito Federal, avaliando sua produtividade, a força de de sprendimento de seus frutos ao longo do ciclo de maturação e sua resistência a duas das principais doenças que afetam o cafeeiro (ferrugem e cercosporiose), num experimento sem repetição no campo, com um representante de cada genótipo, com espaçamento de 3,5 m entre linhas, 1,0 m entre plantas e irrigação por aspersão convencional, real izada por pivô central, e com o uso da tecnologia do estresse hídrico para a uniformização da florada. Para a produtividade, foram usados os dados de produção de três safras consecutivas, e foram classificados os materiais com produção mínima de sete litros por pl anta nos três anos, com coeficiente de variação de produção menor que 25%. Foi realizad a a análise de repetibilidade para estimativa de parâmetros genéticos destes materiais, com o uso do software Selegen. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existe variabilidade na população estudada para produtividade, e os valores de repetibilidade obtidos favorecem a seleção de genótipos superiores para plantio na região, com base nos fen ótipos avaliados. A avaliação da força de desprendimento dos frutos foi realizada ao longo de cinco estádios do ciclo de maturação, a saber: verde, verde cana, cereja, pass a e coco. Seis frutos de cada lado da linha de cultivo eram coletados, e a força de seu d esprendimento foi medida com o auxílio de um dinamômetro da marca Instrutherm®, mo delo DD 300. Com os valores médios para cada estádio foi projetada a curva de egressão não linear da força de desprendimento dos frutos para cada grupo de maturação (superprecoce, precoce, médio e semitardio), com o uso do software estatístico R. Os resultados demonstram que existe variação, para esta característica, entre genótipos e ao longo do ciclo de maturação. O estádio de passa mostrou uma tendência a ser o maisadequado para a colheita mecanizada do café Conilon, por exigir menor força para se desprender dos ramos. A avaliação da reação dos genótipos às doenças foi re alizada em seis épocas, com intervalos médios de 37 dias, com base em escalas diagramáticas desenvolvidas para cada doença, por meio de notas, cujas médias em cada época foram usadas, no software SISVAR, para a análise de variância, e pelo software Genes, para estimativa de parâmetros genéticos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que existe variabilidade dentro da população para reação a estas doenças, com boa q uantidade de materiais resistentes, alguns materiais moderadamente resistentes e um material tolerante às duas doenças. A estimativa de parâmetros genéticos para a resistência a essas doenças resultou em uma situação mais favorável à seleção fenotípica para f errugem, e pouco menos favorável para cercosporiose do cafeeiro.
The Brazilian Cerrado emerged in recent years as a very favorable region to the coffee culture, with large areas and high investment in technology. Conilon coffee, traditionally limited to low-lying regions, presents hardiness and high productivity, with great potential for larger scale production in this biome. Therefore, studies are needed to assess the possibility of adaptation of this species to environmental conditions and the management system used in the region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of Conilon coffee genotypes derived from crosses in isolated field of the cultivar Robusta Tropical, in the Cerrado of Distrito Federal, evaluating their productivity, the detachment force of its fruit throughout the ripening cycle and its resistance to two of the major diseases that affect coffee (coffee rust and cercospora leaf spot) in an experiment without repetition in the field, with one individual of each genotype, with spacing of 3.5 m between rows, 1.0 m between plants and sprinkler irrigation held by central pivot, and the use of water stress technology to standardize the flowering. For productivity, were used the production data of three consecutive harvests, and were classified materials with minimum production of seven liters per plant in three years with production coefficient of variation lower then 25%. repeatability analysis was performed to estimate genetic parameters of these materials with the use of the software Selegen.The results show that there is variability in the population studied for productivity, and repeatability obtained values favor the selection of superior genotypes for cultivation in the region, based on their phenotypes. The evaluation of the fruit detachment strength was performed over five stages of maturation cycle, namely, green, greencane, cherry, pass and dry. Were collectec six fruits of each side of the crop row, and the force of its detachment was measured with the aid of dynamometer Instrutherm® DD 300. With the average values for each stage were designed the non-linear regression curve of fruit detachment force for each maturity group (super-precoucious, precoucious, medium and medium late), using the statistical software R. The results demonstrate that there is variation for this trait among genotypes and over maturation cycle. The pass stage showed a tendency to be the most appropriate for Conilon coffee mechanized harvesting by requiring less force to break off the branches. The evaluation of the genotypes reaction to disease was performed six times with intervals of 37 days, by notes based on diagrammatic scales developed for each disease, which means of each epoch were used in SISVAR software, for analysis of variance, and in Genes software to estimate genetic parameters. The results obtained show that there is variability within the population for reaction to these diseases, with good amount of resistant materials, some moderately resistant materials and one tolerant genotype to the bouth diseases. The of genetic parameters' estimation for resistance to these diseases resulted in a more favorable situation for the phenotypic selection for coffee rust, and slightly less favorable for the coffee cercospora leaf spot.
The Brazilian Cerrado emerged in recent years as a very favorable region to the coffee culture, with large areas and high investment in technology. Conilon coffee, traditionally limited to low-lying regions, presents hardiness and high productivity, with great potential for larger scale production in this biome. Therefore, studies are needed to assess the possibility of adaptation of this species to environmental conditions and the management system used in the region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of Conilon coffee genotypes derived from crosses in isolated field of the cultivar Robusta Tropical, in the Cerrado of Distrito Federal, evaluating their productivity, the detachment force of its fruit throughout the ripening cycle and its resistance to two of the major diseases that affect coffee (coffee rust and cercospora leaf spot) in an experiment without repetition in the field, with one individual of each genotype, with spacing of 3.5 m between rows, 1.0 m between plants and sprinkler irrigation held by central pivot, and the use of water stress technology to standardize the flowering. For productivity, were used the production data of three consecutive harvests, and were classified materials with minimum production of seven liters per plant in three years with production coefficient of variation lower then 25%. repeatability analysis was performed to estimate genetic parameters of these materials with the use of the software Selegen.The results show that there is variability in the population studied for productivity, and repeatability obtained values favor the selection of superior genotypes for cultivation in the region, based on their phenotypes. The evaluation of the fruit detachment strength was performed over five stages of maturation cycle, namely, green, greencane, cherry, pass and dry. Were collectec six fruits of each side of the crop row, and the force of its detachment was measured with the aid of dynamometer Instrutherm® DD 300. With the average values for each stage were designed the non-linear regression curve of fruit detachment force for each maturity group (super-precoucious, precoucious, medium and medium late), using the statistical software R. The results demonstrate that there is variation for this trait among genotypes and over maturation cycle. The pass stage showed a tendency to be the most appropriate for Conilon coffee mechanized harvesting by requiring less force to break off the branches. The evaluation of the genotypes reaction to disease was performed six times with intervals of 37 days, by notes based on diagrammatic scales developed for each disease, which means of each epoch were used in SISVAR software, for analysis of variance, and in Genes software to estimate genetic parameters. The results obtained show that there is variability within the population for reaction to these diseases, with good amount of resistant materials, some moderately resistant materials and one tolerant genotype to the bouth diseases. The of genetic parameters' estimation for resistance to these diseases resulted in a more favorable situation for the phenotypic selection for coffee rust, and slightly less favorable for the coffee cercospora leaf spot.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.
Coffea canephora, Desempenho agronômico, Parâmetros genéticos, Ciclo de maturação, Resistência genética
SANTIN, M. R. Caracterização agronômica de acessos de café Conilon irrigado no Cerrado do Planalto Central. 2016. 136 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria. 2016.