Resposta de cafeeiros em sistema de cultivo orgânico após poda de recepa sob diferentes regimes hídricos
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Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Água Limpa, Universidade de Brasília, por três anos consecutivos, em cafeeiro sob cultivo orgânico, cv. IAPAR 59, com 7.142 plantas ha -1 após a poda de recepa e irrigado por gotejamento. A pesquisa abrangeu três aspectos do desenvolvimento das plantas de café, apresentados em capítulos. No primeiro objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento vegetativo, enquanto no segundo a uniformidade da floração e no terceiro a produtividade. Os tratamentos foram: sem irrigação; irrigação durante todo o ano; paralisação 30 dias antes da colheita; paralisação na época da colheita; e paralisação na colheita associada à condução do caule. Nas parcelas sem irrigação, o teor de água foi determinado pelo método gravimétrico enquanto nos demais tratamentos, foi utilizado “Irrigas” para monitorar a tensão de água no solo, com valor predefinido de 40 kPa. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, onde os tratamentos consistiram de cinco regimes hídricos, com seis repetições. Os parâmetros de crescimento vegetativo avaliados em 2011 e 2012 foram: altura de planta, comprimento do primeiro par de ramos plagiotrópicos, diâmetro do caule, índice de área foliar, número de folhas e número de ramos plagiotrópicos produtivos. Os parâmetros avaliados mostraram que a planta foi favorecida pelo estresse hídrico controlado. A paralisação da irrigação na colheita, isoladamente, ou associada à condução da poda estimulou o crescimento da planta e do comprimento do primeiro par de ramos plagiotrópicos, refletindo-se positivamente no diâmetro do caule, no número de folhas e no índice de área foliar total nas épocas seca e chuvosa. A irrigação durante todo o ano não proporcionou aumento significativo na altura de planta, comprimento do primeiro par de ramos plagiotrópicos, diâmetro do caule, índice de área foliar e ramos primários produtivos no período de inverno. A ausência de irrigação proporcionou incrementos significativos para altura de planta, diâmetro do caule e número de folhas somente na época chuvosa. Na floração coletaram-se dados sobre números de ramos produtivos, nós produtivos, botões florais, flores, inflorescências, chumbinhos, chumbinhos por inflorescência e nós com frutos. O tratamento sem irrigação apresentou um período principal de floração. Os tratamentos com paralisações da irrigação reduziram os eventos de floração, contrariamente, a irrigação o ano todo apresentou diferentes intensidades de floração de julho a outubro de 2012. Na média dos cinco regimes hídricos aplicados, houve maior produção na posição leste (nascente) do número de nós com botões florais, número de botões florais, número de flores abertas, número de flores por inflorescência, número de chumbinhos por inflorescência e número de chumbinhos. A irrigação feita até a colheita associada à condução da poda, com paralisações por 70 dias em 2011 e 57 dias em 2012, elevou a produção da maioria dos parâmetros de floração. A produção e a produtividade totais de café foram avaliadas em 2011, 2012 e 2013 subdividiu-se em frutos cereja, cereja + verde, seco + chocho, além da trienal e acumulada. Os tratamentos com paralisações programadas das irrigações apresentaram produção e produtividade superiores ao tratamento sem irrigação. A irrigação feita todo o ano reduziu a proporção de frutos secos e chochos, porém, aumentou a de frutos verdes. A irrigação até a colheita associada à condução da poda de recepa aumentou a produção de frutos cereja e reduziu a de frutos secos e chochos em relação à massa total de frutos colhidos. A irrigação realizada até a colheita e a condução da poda de recepa elevou a produção e a produtividade trienal e acumulada.
The experiment was conducted in Água Limpa Farm, during three consecutive years, in densely planted, (7,142 plants ha -1 ) organic coffee orchard, cv. IAPAR 59, after pruning followed by drip irrigation treatments. Three aspects of coffee plant were investigated and presented in chapters. In the first, the aim was to evaluate vegetative growth, while in the second, uniformity of flowering and, in the third, fruit productivity. The water treatments were: without irrigation, rain fed (control), continuous irrigation, suspended irrigation 30 days before harvest, suspended irrigation at harvest time, and suspended irrigation at harvest combined with stem conduction. In the plots without irrigation water tension was determined by gravimetric method, whereas for the other treatments an Irrigas equipment was utilized to monitor the water tension, pre-defined at 40 kPa. The experiment consisted of randomized blocs, where water regimes were the treatments, with six repetitions. Vegetative growth in 2011 and 2012 was evaluated by plant height, length of first plagiotropic branches, stem diameter, leaf area index, number of leaves and primary branches. Vegetative growth was favored by controlled water stress. Suspended irrigation at harvest, alone or combined with stem conduction, stimulated plant growth and the lengthening of first plagiotropic branches, reflecting positively in stem diameter, leaf number and leaf area index in dry and in rainy season. Continuous irrigation did not increase in plant height, length of the first pair of primary branches, stem diameter, leaf area index and productive primary branches during winter (dry season). Without irrigation (control) provided significant increments for plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves in the rainy season only. At flowering data were collected on number of productive branches, productive nodes, floral buds, flowers, inflorescences, early green fruits and early green fruits by inflorescence, and fruit bearing nodes. The treatment without irrigation showed a main flowering period. Treatments with downtime reduced irrigation events flowering contrary, irrigation all year presents different intensities flowering from July to October 2012. The average of the five water regimes applied there was higher production in the plant side facing east for nodes with floral buds, floral buds, open flowers, flowers by inflorescence, early green fruits by inflorescence and early green fruits. Irrigation until harvest, associated with stem conduction, and suspended irrigation for 70 days in 2011 and 57 days in 2012, increased production in most of flowering measurements. Total production and productivity were evaluated in 2011, 2012, 2013 and accumulated, subdivided in cherry, cherry + green, dry + empty. Treatments with programmed water suspension had production and productivity superior to the non-irrigated treatment. Continuous irrigation reduced the proportion of dry and empty fruits, although increased the amount of green fruits. Irrigation until harvest associated with stem conduction after pruning increased the proportion of cherry and reduced dry empty fruits in relation to the total harvested. Irrigation until harvest and stem conduction increased production and productivity in the three year period and accumulated.
The experiment was conducted in Água Limpa Farm, during three consecutive years, in densely planted, (7,142 plants ha -1 ) organic coffee orchard, cv. IAPAR 59, after pruning followed by drip irrigation treatments. Three aspects of coffee plant were investigated and presented in chapters. In the first, the aim was to evaluate vegetative growth, while in the second, uniformity of flowering and, in the third, fruit productivity. The water treatments were: without irrigation, rain fed (control), continuous irrigation, suspended irrigation 30 days before harvest, suspended irrigation at harvest time, and suspended irrigation at harvest combined with stem conduction. In the plots without irrigation water tension was determined by gravimetric method, whereas for the other treatments an Irrigas equipment was utilized to monitor the water tension, pre-defined at 40 kPa. The experiment consisted of randomized blocs, where water regimes were the treatments, with six repetitions. Vegetative growth in 2011 and 2012 was evaluated by plant height, length of first plagiotropic branches, stem diameter, leaf area index, number of leaves and primary branches. Vegetative growth was favored by controlled water stress. Suspended irrigation at harvest, alone or combined with stem conduction, stimulated plant growth and the lengthening of first plagiotropic branches, reflecting positively in stem diameter, leaf number and leaf area index in dry and in rainy season. Continuous irrigation did not increase in plant height, length of the first pair of primary branches, stem diameter, leaf area index and productive primary branches during winter (dry season). Without irrigation (control) provided significant increments for plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves in the rainy season only. At flowering data were collected on number of productive branches, productive nodes, floral buds, flowers, inflorescences, early green fruits and early green fruits by inflorescence, and fruit bearing nodes. The treatment without irrigation showed a main flowering period. Treatments with downtime reduced irrigation events flowering contrary, irrigation all year presents different intensities flowering from July to October 2012. The average of the five water regimes applied there was higher production in the plant side facing east for nodes with floral buds, floral buds, open flowers, flowers by inflorescence, early green fruits by inflorescence and early green fruits. Irrigation until harvest, associated with stem conduction, and suspended irrigation for 70 days in 2011 and 57 days in 2012, increased production in most of flowering measurements. Total production and productivity were evaluated in 2011, 2012, 2013 and accumulated, subdivided in cherry, cherry + green, dry + empty. Treatments with programmed water suspension had production and productivity superior to the non-irrigated treatment. Continuous irrigation reduced the proportion of dry and empty fruits, although increased the amount of green fruits. Irrigation until harvest associated with stem conduction after pruning increased the proportion of cherry and reduced dry empty fruits in relation to the total harvested. Irrigation until harvest and stem conduction increased production and productivity in the three year period and accumulated.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.
Coffea arabica, Botões florais, Fruto, Estresse hídrico, Ramos primários, Produtividade
NASCIMENTO, L. M. Resposta de cafeeiros em sistema de cultivo orgânico após poda de recepa sob diferentes regimes hídricos. 2013. 117 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria. 2013.