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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Ensaio de variedades de cafeeiros II
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1949-05) Mendes, J. E. Teixeira
    An experiment was started in 1931 for the purpose of making a comparative study of the productivity of following varieties of Coffea arabica L, : Nacional (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer) Amarelo de Botucatu (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer forma xanthocarpa (Caminhoá) Krug) Bourbon (Coffea arabica L. var. bourbon (B. Rodr.) Choussy) Bourbon amarelo (Coffea arabica L. var. bourbon (B. Rodr.) Choussy forma xanthocarpa Krug) Sumatra (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer) Maragogipe (Coffea arabica L. var. maragogipe Hort. ex Froehner) The results obtained from this experiment for the period 1935-1938 have been the subject of a previous publication. The present paper concerns results obtained from the same experiment for the period 1939-1946. The data obtained have been analysed by varieties and years in relation to : date of ripening of coffee berries, average size of coffee beans and total production. The results of this analysis showed that there were definite annual variations in production by varieties. With respect to ripening of fruits (cherries) on the varieties tested, it was found that the Amarelo de Botucatu variety had the earliest date of ripening in every year. The Nacional and Sumatra varieties varied by years but they were always later than the Amarelo de Botucatu in date of maturity of the cherries. The fruits of Bourbon and Boubon Amarelo were slightly later than all of of the above mentioned varieties and the Maragogipe matured fruit later than all other varieties studied. The data on the average size of coffee beans showed that the Maragogipe variety produced the largest bean. The Bourbon Amarelo and Bourbon produced beans of the smallest size. The Nacional, Sumatra and Amarelo de Botucatu produced beans that were intermediate in size between the Maragogipe and Bourbon. The analysis of production showed that for each year for the first four years (1935-1938) there was a definite yearly increase in production for each variety tested. The data obtained for subsequent years (1939-1946) show that, for all except the Maragogipe variety, each year with a high yield was followed by a year with lower coffee production (see figure 1). On the basis of the total production for the entire period studied (1935-1946) it was found that Bourbon Amarelo variety was the most productive followed closely by the variety Bourbon. The Sumatra variety was intermediate in total production and appreciably less than the Bourbon types. The lowest yielding varieties in this experiment were Nacional, Amarelo de Botucatu and Maragogipe. The production data have also been studied by four year periods and as a result certain interesting minor variations in relation to varieties have been noted. A more detailed statistical analysis of the production data from this experiment has been carried out by Prof. W. L. Stevens (see following article in this issue). He has showed that the coffee varieties studied can be placed in three statistically different classes. The varieties, by classes, according to their decreasing capacity of production, are as follows : a ) Bourbon Amarelo and Bourbon ; b) Sumatra ; c) Nacional, Amarelo de Botucatu and Maragogipe.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Melhoramento de Coffea arábica L. var Bourbon. estudo das produções individuais de 1107 cafeeiros no período 1933 a 1939 e resultados parciais de algumas de suas progênies
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1941) Mendes, J. E. Teixeira; Brieger, F. G.; Krug, C. A.; Carvalho, A.
    Coffee culture in São Paulo is done by planting 3, 4, 5 or even, more seedlings in each bed (cova). This is very troublesome specially for coffee selection work. Thus, it was found necessary to plant certain area of ground using just a single seedlingin .each bed (cova). 1.107 coffee trees of Coffea arabica var. bourbon were planted in quadrangle, 3 meters apart frcm each other occupying 1 Ha. (1931, April). 2. Tilling, fertilizing, harvesting were the same for every individual plant. The results of 7 years work, since the first remarkable crop was harvested in 1933, are presented in this paper. Harvest was done twice or three times yearly, when the berries were ripe. 3. Average production totaled 6 5 . 7 0 arrobas (each arroba equals. 15 Kgrs.) of clean coffee per hectare of land. 4. The data obtained showed enormous variability in the coffee plants. Several individuals were very poor yielders, others suffered die- b a c k in consequence of over production and still others producing hea- vily in one year dropped it in the next, but by putting. forth new shoots and new leaves reacted well so that a good crop was obtained again in the following year. Finally some bore fruit during the whole span of the experiment and did not show great variation in production from one year to the next. 5. The Departament of Genetics of the Instituto Agronômico making use of the data obtained marked several individuals for progeny tests.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Ensaio de variedades de cafeeiros III
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1951-01) Mendes, J. E. Teixeira
    O ensaio de variedades de cafeeiros foi iniciado na Estação Experimental Central de Campinas, em 1931. A primeira colheita foi realizada em 1935. Em 1939, foi feita a publicação dos resultados referentes ao período 1935-38. Em 1949, nova publicação reuniu os dados do período 1935-46. No presente trabalho vêm relatados os acontecimentos relativos aos anos que decorreram de 1947 a 1950, ano por ano, e feito o exame dos resultados no período todo, desde o início da produção (1935-1950). O ensaio teve prosseguimento normal nos anos de 1947 a 1950. Foram feitas as adubações adequadas, as capinas se realizaram em ordem, as colheitas se processaram regularmente bem. A produção média foi examinada ano por ano, verificando-se que, nesse período, o Bourbon amarelo sempre se colocou no primeiro lugar. Todas as demais variedades tiveram alterações de colocação na competição de produção. No período em exame (1947-1950), a variedade mais produtiva foi o Bourbon amarelo, seguida pelo Bourbon vermelho, Sumatra, Maragogipe, Nacional e Amarelo de Botucatu. Com relação ao amadurecimento dos frutos, a variedade mais precoce foi o Amarelo de Botucatu, seguido pelo Sumatra, Nacional, Bourbon vermelho, Bourbon amarelo e, finalmente, o Maragogipe, que foi o mais tardio. A variedade que apresentou sementes de maior tamanho foi o Maragogipe ; o Nacional, o Amarelo de Botucatu e o Sumatra produziram sementes de tamanho intermediário e o Bourbon vermelho e o Bourbon amarelo as de menor tamanho. A análise dos dados referentes ao período todo do ensaio (1935-1950), isto é, dezesseis colheitas, demonstraram o seguinte : a) existe diferença significativa entre a produção do Bourbon amarelo e a do Bourbon vermelho ; sendo o Bourbon amarelo mais produtivo ; b) existe diferença significativa entre a produção do Bourbon vermelho e a do Sumatra ; c) existe diferença significativa entre a produção do Sumatra e a do Maragogipe, Nacional e Amarelo de Botucatu ; d) não existe diferença significativa entre a produção do Maragogipe, Nacional e Amarelo de Botucatu ; e) o aumento médio de colheita, por ano, da variedade Bourbon amarelo, é maior do que o do Bourbon vermelho ; f) o aumento médio de colheita, por ano, do Maragogipe, é maior que o do Nacional e o do Amarelo de Botucatu.