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Item Physiological quality of seeds of Coffea canephora from early and late clones during maturation(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2024-03-21) Crasque, Jeane; Brandão, Thielen Martins dos Santos; Cerri Neto, Basílio; Comério, Marcone; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Arantes, Lúcio de Oliveira; Machado Filho, José Altino; Milanez, Camilla Rozindo Dias; Dousseau-Arantes, SaraThe objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds from early and late maturing Coffea canephora clones, aiming to identify the ideal harvest time. The fruits were collected every two weeks from 188 days after anthesis (DAA) and characterized as green, cane green, cherry, raisin and dry. The seeds were evaluated for water content, germination percentage, normal and abnormal seedlings, nongerminated seeds and dead seeds, vigor index, hypocotyl lenght, and root length. Seed germination of the early maturing clone started at 202 DAA, while that of the late maturing clone started at 230 DAA, with both clones showing a water content of 63% and a dry mass of 37%. Although the optimum harvest point was identified at the cherry ripening stage, it was found that the late maturing clone showed a more pronounced variation in the maturation process, directly impacting the physiological quality of the seeds. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the maturation stages and the physiological quality of the seeds. For the early maturing clone, the maximum physiological quality was recorded at 244 DAA, corresponding to 80% of fruits at the cherry stage, while for the late maturing clone this point was reached at 326 DAA, with 98% of the fruits ripe.Item Initial vegetative development and early selection of arabica coffee cultivars in a low-altitude region(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2023-11-10) Filla, Vinícius Augusto; Coelho, Anderson Prates; Grossi Terceiro, Matheus; Morello, Orlando Ferreira; Lemos, Leandro BorgesThe cultivation of Coffea arabica L. in a low-altitude region is a sustainable alternative for diversifying the income of farmers. On account of the variability of available cultivars, the use of indirect selection through initial vegetative development may be an auxiliary tool for identifying the most suitable genotypes for this environment. This study aimed to identify the dwarf Arabica coffee cultivars with better initial development in a low-altitude region and the morphological traits with greater relevance for the early selection of cultivars with high yield potential. The experiment was installed in the northeast of São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of 17 dwarf Arabica coffee cultivars. There is variability among dwarf Arabica coffee cultivars for initial vegetative development. The growth and increase in the number of nodes of the plagiotropic branch can be used in early selection to identify cultivars with greater yield potential. The cultivars IAC Obatã 4739, Obatã IAC 1669-20, and Tupi IAC 1669-33 present higher initial vegetative performance in low-altitude environments. The results obtained are useful to breeders and producers for choosing the cultivars best adapted to cultivation in this environment.Item Relationship between meiotic instability and fertility in F2 generation Arabusta coffee plants(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2019) Granato, Laís Moreira; Ramos, Luis Carlos da Silva; Pinto-Maglio, Cecília Alzira FerreiraParental plants, an F1 interspecific hybrid and the F2 generation from Arabusta coffee plants were investigated for meiotic behavior and viability of pollen to understand part of their reproductive biology that affects their possible use in coffee breeding programs. Both parental plants (C. canephora var. Robusta 4x and C. arabica var. dihaploid Bourbon Vermelho) showed a meiosis diploid-like behavior, despite presenting a small percentage of irregularities, just as occurred for the F1 Arabusta hybrid. On the other hand, all F2 plants showed a higher frequency of anomalies that compromised pollen viability. The highest meiotic indices were registered for three analyzed plants of the F2 generation, and the pollen viability tests revealed the highest values for staining (PVS) and germination in vitro tests (PVG) for three others different F2 plants. The meiotic analysis and pollen viability tests may facilitate the selection of the best genetic resources, reducing the time needed for producing new hybrid cultivars. F2 plants which have high meiotic indices and/or high pollen fertility could be used as pollen donors in crossbreeding programs when there is interest in their functional or morphological characteristics. In contrast, the F2 plants that showed low pollen viability could be exploited as sterile male plants or discarded from a breeding program.Item Selection and genetic parameters for interpopulation hybrids between kouilou and robusta coffee(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2019) Carvalho, Humberto Fanelli; Silva, Felipe Lopes da; Resende, Marcos Deon Vilela de; Bhering, Leonardo LopesSelection of hybrid coffee plants coming from crosses between divergent populations is particularly relevant for the success of breeding programs. This study aimed to outline the best selection strategy in a hybrid population of Coffea canephora var. kouilou and robusta by estimating intrapopulation genetic parameters. Twenty full-sib progenies obtained by North Caroline II were installed in a randomized complete blocks design, with one plant per elementar plot. The following traits were evaluated: vegetative vigor, reaction to rust, plant height, diameter of canopy projection, maturity time, and bean yield. Significant individual genotypic variance and heritability estimates lead to an effective selection. The multi-trait selection index carried out between progenies and at individual level provided 5% and 40% gain, respectively. Thus, intrapopulation selection in a hybrid population is a viable strategy for the selection of superior individuals to compose new crosses and clones for cultivars in the breeding program of C. canephora, even with unbalanced data.Item Observações citológicas em Coffea. VII - A macrosporogênese na variedade "monosperma"(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1941) Bacchi, OswaldoThis article deals with the observations made in the ovule and development of the macrogametophyte in Coffea arabica L. var. monosperma. The young ovule is normally constituted by a rudimentary nucellus surrounded by a single and well developed integument. No irregularities are found until the beginning of the first meiotic division in the ma-crosporocyte which is situated inside the nucellus. The two meiotic divisions are very abnormal and during this process, 44,4 % of the otherwise normal macrospores degenerate. Only. a few normal macrospores are formed. The functional macrospore is not always the chalazal one as in the normal coffee varieties. Irregularities occur also in the subseguent divisions in the formation of the embryo sac. Degeneration then increased from 44,4 to 82,0%. Only one complete embryo sac has been found among the 87 examined ovules. During the formation of the embryo sac, even when complete degeneration occurs, the ovule increases in volume due to the multiplication of the integument cells. From the moment in which the embryo sac should be formed (two days after the flower opening) this increase in volume stops. A total desorganization of the ovule occurs around 105 days after the opening of the flower.Item Genética de Coffea. X - Hereditariedade da ocorrência de sépalas desenvolvidas nas flores de Coffea arabica L. Var. goiaba Taschdjian(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1946) Krug, C. A.; Carvalho, AlcidesNo presente trabalho, os autores, após a apresentação de alguns dados sôbre a natureza do cálice na triho Ixorex (Rubiacex), descrevem os caraterísticos dêste órgão em Coffea, detalhando, a seguir, uma variação encontrada em Coffea arabica L., isto é, na var. goiaba. Esta variedade se carateriza por apresentar sépalas bem desenvolvidas e persistentes, o que dá ao fruto certa semelhança com o da goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.), daí provindo o seu nome. Supõe-se que a presença de um cálice desenvolvido constitui um caráter primitivo, sendo o cálice rudimentar encontrado nos demais representantes do gênero, consequência da supressão quase completa das sépalas, por mutação. A seguir relatam-se os resultados da análise genética, concluindo-se que o desenvolvimento das sépalas é condicionado por um só par de fatôres genéticos principais, sd sd (abreviação de "sépala desenvolvida")- Em F1— Normal x goiaba — (Sd Sd x sd sd) — nota-se uma dominância incompleta, apresentando os híbridos um cálice de tamanho intermediário. A variabilidade da forma e do tamanho do cálice constatada, principalmente entre as plantas híbridas, é atribuída a fatôres genéticos modificadores que afetam a ação do par de fatôres principais ; a variabilidade deste caráter dentro da mesma planta é atribuída a fatôres fisiológicos.Item Genética de Coffea. IX - Observações preliminares sôbre quimeras genéticas em Coffea arabica L.(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1946-06) Carvalho, A.; Krug, C. A.Após uma discussão geral sôbre a natureza das quimeras vegetais, esclareceu-se a ação dos alelos Na na em Coffea arabica L., chamando a atenção para diversos casos de mutações somáticas ocorridas com êstes fatôres, o que demonstra a sua instabilidade em determinados ambientes genéticos. A seguir, apresentam-se os resultados de diversas análises, com o fim de esclarecer a natureza genética de quatro dessas mutações somáticas. No primeiro caso (planta 605), o ramo murta (Na na) produzido numa planta nana (na na) revelou ser inteiramente da constituição Na na ou possuir, pelo menos, duas camadas de células geradoras mutadas, entre as quais a segunda, responsável pela origem dos gâmetas. Em duas outras plantas examinadas (RP 101-91 e RP 103-17), de constituição Na na (murta) e que produziram ramos com folhagem típica de bourbon (Na Na) a mutação, entretanto, não atingiu a segunda camada geradora, constituindo os ramos mutados prováveis quimeras genéticas periclinais. Não se conhece a estrutura exata dessas quimeras, porquanto não se sabe ainda quantas camadas geradoras existem em Coffea arabica L., e qual ou quais delas influenciam a forma das fôlhas. Apenas se conclui que a segunda camada geradora, aparentemente, não é a principal responsável por êsse caraterístico.Item Análise estatística do ensaio de variedades de café(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1949) Stevens, W. L.This paper describes the statistical analysis of a varietal trial with two unusual characteristics : (i) The plant (coffee) is one of those which show strong maxima and minima of production in alternate years. This phenomenon must be prevented from masking or biasing the other varietal comparisons in which we are interested. (ii) The design of the experiment is systematic. It was laid down in Campinas, Brazil, in 1933 at a time when the principles of randomisation were not so widely known as they are today. THE EXPERIMENT AND DATA. Six varieties are compared, denoted by A B C D E and F (see page 104). They are planted in thirty rows, each with 50 plants, according to the systematic design : A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E F Data for twelve years are available in quadro 1 but those of the small and irregular yields in the first two years were discarded. The mean yields of the remaining ten years (1935-1946) appear by figure 1 to be fairly regular and consistent in their behaviour. Most of the plants, but by no means all, showed their maxima in the even years. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. The quantity of primary interest is the mean yield over the whole period. It is essential that these means should be based (as here) on an even number of years in order to eliminate, from their comparisons, the effect of the alternations of maxima and minima. The magnitude of the oscillation is conveniently measured by total of even years minus total of odd years. Finally we need a linear function of the annual yields for measuring secular trend in order to discriminate varieties which are slowly gaining on the others. The usual linear orthogonal polynomial (with coefficients —9, —7, —5, etc.) is unsuitable because it is not independent of the component of oscillation. A suitable function is obtained instead by using the coefficients —2 —2 —1 —1 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +2. The coefficients of the three linear functions thus defined are set out in quadro 2 (page 107), where it will be verified that they are mutually orthogonal. The effect of the heterogeneity of the soil is as far as possible eliminated (separately for the three functions) by an analysis of covariance, using the number of the row (1-30) as the concommitant observation. A simple linear regression formula is however inadequate. The regressions were taken to the fifth degree by means of orthogonal polynomials. Since the "between varieties" contribution must be removed from the sums of squares and products, the regression coefficients are no longer independently obtainable. It is found however that the normal equations fall into two sets, one yielding the regression coefficients of odd degree and the other those of even degree. Consequently the use of orthogonal polinomiais still effects a considerable saving of work. The computations are set out in full in quadro 3 and in abbreviated form in quadro 4 and 5 for the total, the oscillation and the trend respectively. (Note that the comma indicates the decimal point.) We find that a quadratic regression is adequate for the first and cubic regressions for the others. For the sake of uniformity, a cubic regression was used in every case. The residuals found by subtracting the varietal means from the rows are plotted in figures 2a, 3 and 4a. respectively, together with the regression curves and the 2.5% control limits. These control charts suggest that it is not unreasonable to suppose that the remaining variation is random. Next we use the regression formulae to correct the varietal means. The approximate 80% fiducial intervals of the mean annual yields (kg per row) and the rate of increase of yield (kg per row per year per year) are shown in figures 2b and 4b respectively. In the case of the component of oscillation, the analysis of covariance failed to show the slightest suggestion of differences between varieties. DISCUSSION. An examination of the regressions on number of row reveals the interesting fact that the more fertile portions of the field produce lower yields in the odd years than the less fertile portions. The reason is presumably that the heavier yields in the even years, by exhausting the plant, depress the yields in the following years. The major differences between varietal means over the ten years were sufficiently clear even before the analysis though some of the adjustments are appreciable. A striking fact is that, although there are big general differences between varieties, there are no significant differences between them in respect of the amplitude of oscillation. In other words, the increment of yield in the better varieties is obtained equally in odd and even years. In spite of the large component of oscillation, it is possible to discriminate varieties in respect of their rate of increase of yield (figure 4b). CONCLUSIONS. (i) The extra difficulty introduced by the strong alternations of yield from year to year can be solved b y the choice of suitable orthogonal functions of yearly yields. (ii) Once again a systematic design is found wanting — it fails to eliminate the effect of soil heterogeneity from varietal comparisons. This defect can however be removed, for practical purposes, by an adequate analysis of covariance on row number.Item Ensaio de variedades de cafeeiros II(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1949-05) Mendes, J. E. TeixeiraAn experiment was started in 1931 for the purpose of making a comparative study of the productivity of following varieties of Coffea arabica L, : Nacional (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer) Amarelo de Botucatu (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer forma xanthocarpa (Caminhoá) Krug) Bourbon (Coffea arabica L. var. bourbon (B. Rodr.) Choussy) Bourbon amarelo (Coffea arabica L. var. bourbon (B. Rodr.) Choussy forma xanthocarpa Krug) Sumatra (Coffea arabica L. var. typica Cramer) Maragogipe (Coffea arabica L. var. maragogipe Hort. ex Froehner) The results obtained from this experiment for the period 1935-1938 have been the subject of a previous publication. The present paper concerns results obtained from the same experiment for the period 1939-1946. The data obtained have been analysed by varieties and years in relation to : date of ripening of coffee berries, average size of coffee beans and total production. The results of this analysis showed that there were definite annual variations in production by varieties. With respect to ripening of fruits (cherries) on the varieties tested, it was found that the Amarelo de Botucatu variety had the earliest date of ripening in every year. The Nacional and Sumatra varieties varied by years but they were always later than the Amarelo de Botucatu in date of maturity of the cherries. The fruits of Bourbon and Boubon Amarelo were slightly later than all of of the above mentioned varieties and the Maragogipe matured fruit later than all other varieties studied. The data on the average size of coffee beans showed that the Maragogipe variety produced the largest bean. The Bourbon Amarelo and Bourbon produced beans of the smallest size. The Nacional, Sumatra and Amarelo de Botucatu produced beans that were intermediate in size between the Maragogipe and Bourbon. The analysis of production showed that for each year for the first four years (1935-1938) there was a definite yearly increase in production for each variety tested. The data obtained for subsequent years (1939-1946) show that, for all except the Maragogipe variety, each year with a high yield was followed by a year with lower coffee production (see figure 1). On the basis of the total production for the entire period studied (1935-1946) it was found that Bourbon Amarelo variety was the most productive followed closely by the variety Bourbon. The Sumatra variety was intermediate in total production and appreciably less than the Bourbon types. The lowest yielding varieties in this experiment were Nacional, Amarelo de Botucatu and Maragogipe. The production data have also been studied by four year periods and as a result certain interesting minor variations in relation to varieties have been noted. A more detailed statistical analysis of the production data from this experiment has been carried out by Prof. W. L. Stevens (see following article in this issue). He has showed that the coffee varieties studied can be placed in three statistically different classes. The varieties, by classes, according to their decreasing capacity of production, are as follows : a ) Bourbon Amarelo and Bourbon ; b) Sumatra ; c) Nacional, Amarelo de Botucatu and Maragogipe.Item Observações citológicas em Coffea. XIII - Observações preliminares em Coffea arabica L. Var. rugosa K. M. C.(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 1949) Medina, Dixier M.The Coffea arabica L. variety rugosa has been characterized as having rugose or roughened leaves. However, progenies of this variety obtained from selfed and open pollinated flowers have not, as observed to date, produced plants with characteristic rugose or definitely roughened leaves. This lack of rugose leaves in the seedling progeny of the variety rugosa led to the present cytological investigation to determine whether rugose leaves might be due to differences in the polyploid nature of the component leaf layers. Chromosome counts were made in cells of tissue obtained from root tips of seedlings and from root tips from stem cuttings, and from very young leaf buds. Chromosomes were also counted in the microsporocytes and in the microspores. The results of the cytological observations indicate that in the plant tissues examined there was an average number of 44 chromosomes. The counting of chromosomes in the coffee leaf buds was difficult due to the small size of the chromosomes. Observations also showed that microsporogenesis in the variety rugosa was normal and that the microspores contained 22 chromosomes. The results of this investigation show that Coffea arabica L. var. rugosa is a tetraploid plant, as are several other varieties of C. arabica that have been studied. The cytological observations also show that the rugose or rough condition of the leaves is not due to the presence of tissue layers of different polyploid nature.