Food Science and Technology

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    Exploring the diversity of microorganisms and potential pectinase activity isolated from wet fermentation of coffee in northeastern Peru
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2023-01-09) Fernandez-Güimac, Samia Littly Jahavely; Perez, Jhordy; Mendoza, Jani Elisabet; Bustamante, Danilo Edson; Calderon, Martha Steffany
    In this study, the microbiota associated with coffee fermentation from two regions from northern Peru was evaluated. Bacteria and fungi were isolated from coffee farms in the Amazonas and Cajamarca regions and identified using molecular markers 16S rRNA and ITS. The potential pectinase activity was registered by the formation of a transparent halo around colonies. As a result, 29 and 09 species belonging to bacteria and fungi, respectively, were found. The bacterial genera Lysinibacillus and Stenotrophomonas and the fungal genus Aspergillus accounted for the highest number of species isolated from coffee ferments. Forty-one out of 71 isolates showed some type of pectinase enzyme activity, and they included 23 isolates from Cajamarca and 18 from Amazonas. Nevertheless, only three bacterial species registered the formation of transparent halos and showed relevant potential pectinase enzyme activity, namely, Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and Stenotrophomonas pavanii, which were all from the Cajamarca region. These species could be further investigated by quantifying enzymes activity and performing other biochemical properties to prototype starter cultures. Accordingly, the study of indigenous microorganisms with biological potential will be essential to increase the coffee value chain and improve the incomes of farmers.
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    Effects of coffee and cocoa as fermentation additives on sensory quality and chemical compositions of cigar tobacco leaves
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2022-10-13) Hu, Wanrong; Zhou, Quanwei; Cai, Wen; Liu, Jie; Li, Pinhe; Hu, Dejun; Luo, Cheng; Li, Dongliang
    Exogenous additives applied for cigar tobacco leaves fermentation played an important role in sensory quality of cigar. In this study, effects of additives including coffee and cocoa on the quality of cigar tobacco leaves were explored. The changes of sensory quality, conventional chemical components, nonvolatile organic acids, and aroma compositions in tobacco leaves were studied. Results showed that the richness, mellowness and matureness of aroma, as well as the fluentness and sweetness of smoke in cigar were improved with the introduction of coffee or cocoa. According to chemical composition analysis, fermentation with coffee or cocoa increased the contents of alkaloids and sugar in tobacco leaves, which endowed the tobacco a relatively good performance on the sweetness and aroma richness. Besides, the decrease of citric acid, as well as the increase of saturated fatty acid and aroma components were found with additives, which was beneficial to improve the mellowness and aroma richness of cigar. It was suggested that coffee and cocoa exhibited positive effects on the chemical composition, especially increased the contents of sugar, saturated fatty acids and aromatic components, thus improving the sensory quality of tobacco leaves.
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    Developed validation for simultaneous determination of three Di-caffeoylquinic acid derivatives from the Leaf of Eribotrya japonica Lindl. by HPLC-DAD
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2021-08-13) Seon, Ho-Young; Kim, Hyun-Hee; Yim, Soon-Ho
    The aim of this study was to developed HPLC simultaneous analysis method for the determination of Caffeoylquinic acid isolated from the leaf of Eribotrya japonica Lindl. extract. The phenolic compounds in E. japonica leaves were isolated and identified by HPLC, NMR, Mass etc. The quantitative analysis was carried out HPLC-DAD using C18 column with gradient elution of water and acetonitrile at 280 nM for 60 min. The method was successfully validated by specificity, LOD (linearity, limit of detection), LOQ (limit of quantification), precision and recovery. The three phenolic compounds were isolated from E. japonica leaves including 5-Caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQA), 4-Caffeoylquinic acid (4-CQA) and 3-Caffeoylquinic acid (3-CQA). In a quantitative analysis of three phenolic compounds were 3-CQA 7.82-14.48 µg/mL, 4-CQA 3.75-12.58 µg/mL and 5-CQA 3.60-7.82 µg/mL using the standard chemicals, respectively. The developed HPLC validation method would be applicable for simultaneous quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds in E. japonica leaves extracts.
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    Assessment of the caffeine-containing beverages available in the local markets, and development of a real energy drink based on the date fruit
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2021-02-26) Mostafa, Heba Sayed
    Globally, tea, coffee, soft and energy drinks are daily consumed as a source of caffeine. Energy drinks gained a great public and scientific issues, thus this study assessed the caffeine content in some caffeine-containing beverages. Given the increasing demand for newly formulated healthy drinks, the date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Siwi) was used to develop a fruit-energy drink as an alternative for the energy drinks. Results displayed that the coffee addition even to 80 mg/250 mL, did not significantly altered the acidity of the final developed drink. It contained rapidly metabolized sugars of 27.86 g/250 mL without added sugar and was slightly neutral (pH = 6.04). The sensory assessment revealed that the added coffee (up to 320 mg/L) enhanced its aroma and taste but negatively affected the color. The high naturally occurring vitamins and minerals content and the gross energy; made this drink a super energy drink to fulfill the needs of athletes. Some of the tested local caffeine-containing beverages contained caffeine higher than those mentioned on the product label. On the other side, Turkish coffee brews contained 1.99-9.46 mg/g and the instant coffees had provided the highest ever caffeine (24.71 mg/g), such that their daily consumption should be alarmed.
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    Antioxidants, phenols, caffeine content and volatile compounds in coffee beverages obtained by different methods
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2022-07-15) Chavez, Segundo Grimaldo; Mendoza, Marilu Mestanza; Caetano, Aline Camila
    The objective of the research was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, phenols and volatile compounds of different types coffee infusions. We worked with the Catimor coffee variety and used five methods to obtain the infusion (espresso, V60, siphon, French press and a traditional local method). For each infusion, the antioxidant capacity was determined with the 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl and 2,2′-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid techniques, the phenolic content was determined with the Folin-Ciocalteu technique, and aromatic volatile compounds were determined with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The extraction method that yielded the coffee infusions with the most antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds and caffeine content was espresso; however, this coffee had the fewest aromatic volatile compounds. Although they had lower antioxidant activity, the infusions obtained with the French press had the highest content of volatile aromatic compounds and produced a cup that was free of pyridine, an undesirable compound in coffee due to its rotten smell.
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    The addition of crude gambir extract in the production of functional robusta coffee powder
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2022-03-07) Santoso, Budi; Wijaya, Agus; Din Pangawikan, Aldila
    This study aims to improve the functional properties of robusta coffee by adding crude gambir extract. A completely randomized non-factorial design with 5 treatments is used and each treatment was repeated three times. The treatments consist of: robusta coffee powder (%): crude gambir extract (%) F1 = 100:0, F2 = 95:5, F3 = 90:10, F4 = 85:15, and F5 = 80:20. The results showed that the addition of crude gambir extract has a significant effect on increasing the total phenol value from 10.65 to 101.20 mg/mL GAE and the antioxidant activity with an IC50 value of 583.06 to 40.10 µg/mL, acidity level (5.43-5.51), and the solubility percentage of 27.55-31.15%. Furthermore, the addition of crude gambir extract have no significant effect on the taste, color, and aroma of the functional coffee produced.
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    Development of a memories vocabulary (MemVOC) for food products using coffee as a model
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2021-11-03) Cabal-Prieto, Adan; Teodoro-Bernabé, Gabriela; Coria-Rincón, Cecilia; Sánchez-Arellano, Lucia; Ramón-Canul, Lorena Guadalupe; Rodríguez-Miranda, Jesús; Prinyawiwatkul, Witoon; Juárez-Barrientos, José Manuel; Herrera-Corredor, José Andrés; Ramírez-Rivera, Emmanuel de Jesús
    Multiple references in sensory science indicate that foods evoke memories during consumption, however, research regarding those memories is still limited. The objective of this study was to develop a vocabulary and implement it in a memories vocabulary related to food as a complement for the evaluation of sensory attributes and emotions, using coffee as a model. The memories vocabulary was generated with a series of successive studies that involved assigning positive and negative memories to different food groups and applying mathematical algorithms (WordCountAna and Factorial Approach) and contrasting memories with the scientific literature. Subsequently, the vocabulary was used to determine the profile of memories and their association with sensory attributes and emotions in coffee samples evaluated by trained judges and consumers. The memories vocabulary consisted of a total of 14 and 12 positive and negative memories terms, respectively. The vocabulary of memories was used in a similar way by both panels allowing them to differentiate between artisanal and industrial coffees. The memories vocabulary of the coffees showed a positive association with sensory attributes and emotions, thus achieving a more robust explanation of the samples used in the research.
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    Bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, physical and sensory characteristics of Mırra coffee
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2022-03-18) Yalçinkaya, Cihan; Abdalla, Hassan Sarbaz; Bakkalbasi, Emre
    Mırra is a coffee beverage widely consumed in Syria and Turkey, and often produced from roasted and ground coffee beans. Recently, it is prepared from classical instant coffee. In this study, some physicochemical, bioactive and sensory properties of Mırra samples were determined. The average viscosity, °Brix, HMF, total phenolic content, DPPH and ABTS values were 1.36 cP, 3.70, 71.60 mg/L, 3431.55 mg GA eq./L, 6.24 mmol Trol. eq./mL and 35.23 mmol Trol. eq./mL for Mırra samples made by traditional process, and 4.85 cP, 16.36, 303.3 mg/L, 11276.47 mg GA eq./L, 23.89 mmol Trol. eq./mL and 89.70 mmol Trol. eq./mL for Mırra samples made with classic instant coffee, respectively. All Mırra samples also contained high levels of caffeine (1416.93 - 4347.46 mg/L). Chlorogenic acid, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid and trans-5-O-caffeoylquinic acid were identified in Mırra samples. Total chlorogenic acid contents of Mırra samples were ranged from 1097.85 to 5283.21 mg/L. In all sensory parameters, Mırras with °Brix value over 5.75 had high scores. Results show that Mırra has high antioxidant activity. However, Mırra consumption may have negative health effects for risk groups due to the high caffeine content.
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    Into the minds of coffee consumers: perception, preference, and impact of information in the sensory analysis of specialty coffee
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2021-02-22) Bressani, Ana Paula Pereira; Martinez, Silvia Juliana; Batista, Nádia Nara; Simão, João Batista Pavesi; Schwan, Rosane Freitas
    This study aimed to analyze the knowledge, perspectives, and preferences of consumers about specialty coffees and to investigate how information can influence the perception of taste and the sensory characteristics of consumers. A descriptive-analytic survey was conducted through a questionnaire in a digital format with 1005 respondents. Four trained Q-Grader tasters evaluated a sample of cherry coffee fermented. The Specialty Coffee Association developed the cupping protocol used. According to the perceived descriptors, a sensory analysis was performed with the same coffee with 101 consumers to evaluate the influence of information received before the analysis. The chocolate flavor is the most expected in coffee. However, the participants are willing to try different specialty coffees. The coffee has been considered excellent (85.15 points) by Q-Grader tasters and widely accepted by consumers. Check-all-that-Apply (CATA) test showed that consumers could be influenced by information. When the coffee has been presented without information, the consumers noticed a more caramel flavor. However, when the information has been added to the same coffee, the citric flavor was more noticeable. In conclusion, information on specialty coffees should be more widespread. Consumer's expectations can be influenced by information, which in turn can modify their sensory perception.
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    Development of a method for simultaneous analysis of caffeine and taurine in energy drinks by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with diode-array detector
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2019-09-19) Alves, Alane Cangani; Meinhart, Adriana Dillenburg; Teixeira Filho, José; Godoy, Helena Teixeira
    The objective of this study was to develop, optimize and validate a fast and reliable method for the simultaneous determination of caffeine and taurine contents by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with diode array detector, using direct and indirect detection concomitantly. Multivariate statistical techniques were used as a central composite design and the simultaneous optimization method of responses of Derringer and Suich were used for optimization. The method was applied in the analysis of 73 samples of energy drinks commercialized in Brazil. The optimized method employed a capillary tube with an extended bulb of 50 µm i.d. x 72 cm total length, an electrolyte containing 16.20 mmol.L-1 of benzoic acid and 39.90 mmol.L-1 of SDS, a pH value of 7.26, + 30 kV voltage, direct detection of caffeine at 274 nm and indirect detection of taurine at 230 nm. Validation parameters have demonstrated the reliability and applicability of this method. It was found that more than 50% of the samples were out of the legal limits determined by the Brazilian government regarding the taurine content and 68 % contained caffeine below the value declared on the label. Therefore, the need for greater control concerning the composition of these drinks exists.