Revista Ciência Agronômica

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Water-retaining polymer and seedling type when planting irrigated coffee
    (Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2016-04) Souza, Antonio Jackson Jesus; Guimarães, Rubens José; Dominghetti, Anderson William; Scalco, Myriane Stella; Rezende, Tiago Teruel
    The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of a water-retaining polymer on the initial growth of coffee plants for different levels of irrigation and types of seedling. The experiment was set up in pots with a clayey soil, in a greenhouse of the Sector for Coffee Production of the Federal University of Lavras, Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a randomised block design into sub-lots with three replications, giving a total of 48 experimental units. Four levels of irrigation (25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the available water) were randomly assigned to the lots; the type of seedling (grown in bags or tubes) were randomly assigned to the sub-lots, and the use or not of the water-retaining polymer randomly assigned to the sub-sub-lots. In the treatments with water-retaining polymer, a dilution of 1.5 Kg of polymer to 400 litres of water was used at a dose of 1.5 litres of solution per plant. The following were evaluated at intervals of 60 days during the experiment (360 days from planting): stem diameter, plant height, leaf area, number of leaves and number of plagiotropic branches on the coffee plants. Hydrated water-retaining polymer favoured the growth of coffee plants under an irrigated system. Irrigation resulted in greater plant growth, with the seedlings grown in bags showing more growth than those grown in tubes.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Quantitative analysis of growth in coffee plants cultivated with a water-retaining polymer in an irrigated system
    (Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2016-01) Souza, Antonio Jackson de Jesus; Guimarães, Rubens José; Colombo, Alberto; Sant’Ana, José Antonio do Vale; Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo
    This study aimed to evaluate the use of hydro polymer retainer in the quantitative growth of coffee plants at different levels of irrigation and soil types. The experiment was conducted in pots with seedlings bag in the greenhouse of the Setor de Cafeicultura, Universidade Federal de Lavras. The experimental design was in randomized blocks in factorial (2x4x2): absence or presence of hydro polymer retainer, four levels of irrigation (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), two soil types (sandy soil and medium texture). At 150 days evaluated the stem diameter, plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, dry weight of shoots, plant dry mass, root dry weight, root dry weight ratio of shoot, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and leaf area index. It was concluded that the polymer hydro retainer hydrated favored the growth of coffee plants and irrigation promoted greater growth of coffee in medium textured soil compared to soils with sandy texture.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Critical ranges for leaf nitrogen and potassium levels in coffee fertigated at the production phase
    (Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2015-01) Assis, Gleice Aparecida de; Guimarães, Rubens José; Colombo, Alberto; Scalco, Myriane Stella; Dominghetti, Anderson William
    With the aim of establishing critical ranges for the leaf nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) levels in fertigated coffee crops under production, an experiment was carried out in the experimental area of the Sector for Coffee Cultivation of the Department of Agriculture at the Federal University of Lavras, in Brazil. Treatments consisted of five levels of fertilizer applied through fertigation: 30%, 80%, 130%, 180% and 230% of the recommended amounts of N and K for rainfed coffee grown in Minas Gerais. A randomised block design with four replications was used. Critical ranges for nutrient concentrations in the leaves were established from the results of growth characteristics (plant height and stem diameter), leaf analyses and productivity. The results obtained were: a) nitrogen (g kg -1 ): 32.39 to 32.40 for January/February; 33.60 to 33.61 for March/April; 27.39 to 27.42 for May/June; 24.23 to 24.24 for July/August; 26.06 to 26.09 for September/October and 26.50 to 26.51 for November/December; b ) potassium (g kg -1 ): 20.08 to 20.14 for January/February; 17.89 to 17.91 for March/April; 15.93 to 15.96 for May/June; 15.29 to 15.35 for July/August; 16.61 to 16.64 for September/October and 20.58 to 20.64 for November/December.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Número de ramos plagiotrópicos e produtividade de duas cultivares de cafeeiro utilizando irrigação por gotejamento
    (Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2010-10) Costa, André Ribeiro da; Rezende, Roberto; Freitas, Paulo Sérgio Lourenço de; Frizzone, José Antônio; Helbel Júnior, Celso
    Este experimento foi conduzido em uma área do Centro Técnico de Irrigação (CTI) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicação de porcentagens de doses para NPK, no número de ramos plagiotrópicos e na produtividade das cultivares de cafeeiro Obatã e IAPAR - 59 em diferentes cultivos (não irrigado, irrigado e fertirrigado). As mudas foram plantadas em espaçamento de 2,0 metros entre linhas e 1,0 metro entre plantas, caracterizando sistema adensado. Utilizou-se o sistema de irrigação localizada por gotejamento. O experimento foi esquematizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. As parcelas e subparcelas foram compostas pelas porcentagens de doses de NPK e pelos cultivos, respectivamente. A interação entre estes fatores influenciou significativamente a produtividade e o número de ramos plagiotrópicos, permitindo concluir qual a dose de fertilizante mais indicada para cada cultivo. A produtividade máxima para a cultivar Obatã foi conseguida com as doses de NPK de percentual 119,5%, 151,25%, e 154,17% para os cultivos não irrigados, irrigados e fertirrigados, respectivamente. A máxima produtividade da cultivar IAPAR - 59 nos cultivos não irrigados, irrigados e fertirrigados foi alcançada com os percentuais de 137,83%, 162% e 151,75%, respectivamente. Em relação ao número de ramos plagiotrópicos, a melhor dose para a cultivar Obatã, nos cultivos irrigados e fertirrigados, correspondeu a dose de 200%, enquanto que a dose de 150% foi a mais adequada para as plantas irrigadas da cultivar IAPAR - 59. Os melhores desempenhos produtivos foram obtidos nos cultivos fertirrigados.