Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology

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    Inter-trait relations for direct and indirect selection in coffee
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2008-06-09) Ferrão, Romário Gava; Ferreira, Adésio; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Carneiro, Pedro Crescêncio de Souza; Silva, Marcia Flores da
    The purpose of this study was to verify the possibility of using direct selection in nine traits underlying indirect selection for yield and determine which traits should participate in the selection process. Data of 40 Conilon coffee genotypes were analyzed in two experiments in the growing seasons of 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 in random blocks with four and six replications. The significance of phenotypic associations was evaluated by the t test and the genotypic and environmental associations by bootstrap resampling. The genotypic associations were higher than the phenotypic, indicating a prevailing influence of the genotypic over the environmental effects in the relationship between significant traits; equal signs indicated a lack of contrary action among the effects. The traits related to cycle; yield; ratio of fresh ripe cherries to clean coffee; empty or flat grains; and sieve 17 should be maintained in the selection, evaluation and study of genetic divergence. The estimated gains in grain yield by indirect selection for any trait studied are not satisfactory.
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    Tributun: a coffee cultivar developed in partnership with farmers
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2020) Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Giles, João Antonio Dutra; Oliosi, Gleison; Covre, André Monzoli; Ferreira, Adésio; Rodrigues, Valcir Meneguelli
    Tributun is a cultivar of Coffea canephora derived from breeding clones discovered by farmers. It was evaluated at 150 m asl in northern Espírito Santo for yield, plant vigor and pest and disease resistance. The cultivar with six genotypes produces a mean yield of 90.87 bags ha-1 year-1.
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    Andina - first clonal cultivar of high-altitude conilon coffee
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2019) Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Golynski, Adelmo; Ferreira, Adésio; Martins, Madlles Queiroz; Mauri, Aldo Luiz; Ramalho, José Cochicho; Vieira, Henrique Duarte
    Andina is a conilon coffee variety originated from a selection of clones discovered by farmers. It was cultivated and evaluated for yield and plant vigor an altitude of 850m asl. Five genotypes (A1, NV2, NV8, P1 and Verdim TA), with a mean yield of 51.3 bags per hectare per year.