Biblioteca do Café
URI permanente desta comunidade
23 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Green coffee extract attenuates Parkinson’s-related behaviors in animal models(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2021-11-01) Molska, Graziella R.; Paula-Freire, Lyvia Izaura G.; Sakalem, Marna E.; Köhn, Daniele O.; Negri, Giuseppina; Carlini, Elisaldo A.; Mendes, Fúlvio R.Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse association between coffee consumption and the development of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The effects of the oral treatment with green (non-roasted) coffee extracts (CE, 100 or 400 mg/kg) and caffeine (31.2 mg/kg) were evaluated on catalepsy induced by haloperidol in mice, and unilateral 6-OHDA lesion of medial forebrain bundle (MFB) or striatum in rats. Also, the in vitro antioxidant activity and the monoamine levels in the striatum were investigated. CE presented a mild antioxidant activity in vitro and its administration decreased the catalepsy index. CE at the dose of 400 mg/kg induced ipsilateral rotations 14 days after lesion; however, chronic 30-day CE and caffeine treatments did not interfere with the animals’ rotation after apomorphine or methamphetamine challenges in animals with MFB lesion, nor on monoamines levels. Furthermore, CE and caffeine were effective in inhibiting the asymmetry between ipsilateral and contralateral rotations induced by methamphetamine and apomorphine in animals with lesion in the striatum but did not avoid the monoamines depletion. These results indicate that CE components indirectly modulate dopaminergic transmission, suggesting a pro-dopaminergic action of CE, and further investigation must be conducted to elucidate the mechanisms of action and the possible neuroprotective role in PD.Item Validação do questionário de expectativa à cafeína para a população brasileira e associação aos polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A(Universidade de Brasília, 2022-06-29) Mendes, Guilherme Falcão; Zandonadi, Renata Puppin; Reis, Caio Eduardo GonçalvesA expectativa de efeitos da cafeína pode ser registrada em questionários validados para observar padrões favoráveis, ou não, ao uso de fontes cafeína. Esta individualidade biológica está relacionada com os polimorfismos genéticos podem interferir no modo como os indivíduos metabolizam a cafeína, gene CYP1A2 (rs 762551), genótipo AA, fenótipo rápidos metabolizadores, e a sua ação nos receptores de adenosina ADORA2A (rs 5751876), genótipo TT, fenótipo maior sensibilidade. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade do CaffEQ-BR na diferenciação dos polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A, conforme as expectativas de efeito da cafeína medidas pelo instrumento. O estudo foi composto por três etapas: (i) processo de tradução com dois tradutores bilingues, validação semântica por meio de técnica de juízes (n = 20), análise de reprodutibilidade e consistência interna com amostra de conveniência (n = 50) e validação externa por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória com amostra composta por 4.202 participantes de todas as Unidades da Federação; (ii) desenvolvimento e validação da versão curta do instrumento (B-CaffEQ-BR); (iii) aplicação do CaffEQ-BR (versão completa e curta) a uma amostra (n = 71) de atletas brasileiros treinados em desenvolvimento, consumidores habituais de cafeína com determinação prévia para os polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A. O questionário se mostrou adequado quanto à confiabilidade, clareza e compreensão. A reprodutibilidade e a validação foram confirmadas pelo alfa de Cronbach (α) de 0,948, e foi observado um coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,976. Os sete fatores apresentaram um bom ajuste para a raiz do erro quadrático médio de aproximação – RMSEA = 0,0332 (IC 95%: 0,0290–0,0375). Após a validação externa, o CaffEQ-BR passou por modelagem estatística com vistas a reduzir o número de itens, com três itens por fator, mantendo os sete fatores (CaffEQ-BR versão curta com 21 itens) com reprodutibilidade interobservador e a consistência interna tão satisfatória quanto o CaffEQ-BR (α de Cronbach ≥ 0,729) e reprodutibilidade global (ICC ≥ 0,915) para todo o questionário e seus sete fatores. As versões completa e curta foram aplicados em indivíduos (n = 71) com genotipagem prévia para os polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A. A frequência observada dos genótipos AA para o gene CYP1A2 foi de 47,9% (n=34) e portadores do alelo C (AC e CC) foi de 52,1% (n=37). Para o gene ADORA2A foi observado 22,7% (n=15) como portadores do genótipo TT e 77,3% vii (n=51) portadores C (TC e CC). Com exceção ao fator “ansiedade/efeitos físicos negativos”, os demais escores do CaffEQ-BR (completo e curto), obtiveram ICC > 0,75. Indivíduos que pontuaram > 4 na escala Likert (“um pouco provável”) no fator ansiedade/efeitos negativos no B-CaffEQ-BR apresentaram capacidade discriminatória para o genótipo TT para ADORA2A (p = 0,01) de acordo com a curva ROC, mas com representatividade muito baixa (n = 2). Portanto, na presente amostra estudada, o CaffEQ-BR não foi capaz de diferenciar, por meio da expressão dos fenótipos de rápida metabolização hepática e maior sensibilidade na ação da cafeína nos receptores de adenosina, associado aos genótipos para os genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A em amostra de conveniência de atletas brasileiros treinados em desenvolvimento. Sugere-se que pesquisas futuras utilizem amostras mais amplas, com grupo controle composto por indivíduos com consumo baixo ou irregular consumo de cafeína, calibrando o questionário com maior foco em aspectos da ansiedade e efeitos negativos na busca em diferenciar o genótipo TT para ADORA2A.Item Extraction of caffeine, chlorogenic acids and lipids from green coffee beans using supercritical carbon dioxide and co-solvents(Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering, 2008-09-02) Azevedo, A. B. A.; Mazzafera, Paulo; Mohamed, R. S.; Melo, S. A. B. Vieira de; Kieckbusch, T. G.The paper reports on experimental data on the extraction of caffeine, coffee oil and chlorogenic acids from green coffee beans using pure supercritical CO2 and supercritical CO2 modified with ethanol (5% w/w) and isopropyl alcohol (5% w/w) at 50 and 60ºC and 15.2 24.8 e 35.2 MPa. In this study extraction kinetics were obtained for all assays i.e. samples were collected at several time intervals for each solvent and mixed solvent. When pure CO2 and CO2-ethanol mixed solvent were used, an increase in pressure resulted in an increase in the amount of oil extracted. When CO2 was modified with isopropyl alcohol, the amount of coffee oil extracted also increased with pressure. Caffeine extraction initially increased and subsequently decreased with pressure. Chlorogenic acids were only extracted when isopropyl alcohol was used as a co-solvent. An increase in extraction temperature resulted in a decrease of caffeine and oil extraction (retrograde condensation) when only CO2 was used as solvent. With the use of co-solvent this retrograde behavior was no longer observed and the increase in temperature resulted in the increase in the extracted amounts of caffeine, coffee oil and chlorogenic acids.Item Bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, physical and sensory characteristics of Mırra coffee(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2022-03-18) Yalçinkaya, Cihan; Abdalla, Hassan Sarbaz; Bakkalbasi, EmreMırra is a coffee beverage widely consumed in Syria and Turkey, and often produced from roasted and ground coffee beans. Recently, it is prepared from classical instant coffee. In this study, some physicochemical, bioactive and sensory properties of Mırra samples were determined. The average viscosity, °Brix, HMF, total phenolic content, DPPH and ABTS values were 1.36 cP, 3.70, 71.60 mg/L, 3431.55 mg GA eq./L, 6.24 mmol Trol. eq./mL and 35.23 mmol Trol. eq./mL for Mırra samples made by traditional process, and 4.85 cP, 16.36, 303.3 mg/L, 11276.47 mg GA eq./L, 23.89 mmol Trol. eq./mL and 89.70 mmol Trol. eq./mL for Mırra samples made with classic instant coffee, respectively. All Mırra samples also contained high levels of caffeine (1416.93 - 4347.46 mg/L). Chlorogenic acid, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acid and trans-5-O-caffeoylquinic acid were identified in Mırra samples. Total chlorogenic acid contents of Mırra samples were ranged from 1097.85 to 5283.21 mg/L. In all sensory parameters, Mırras with °Brix value over 5.75 had high scores. Results show that Mırra has high antioxidant activity. However, Mırra consumption may have negative health effects for risk groups due to the high caffeine content.Item The inclusion of coffee in commercial layer diets(Fundação APINCO de Ciência e Tecnologia Avícolas, 2013) Mendes, L. R.; Silva, R. B.; Bueno, C. F. D.; Couto, F. A. P.; Dias, A. N.; Fernandes, V.; Faria Filho, D. E.This experiment aimed at evaluating the effect of the dietary inclusion of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee on the performance and internal and external egg quality of commercial layers. One hundred and twenty 25-week-old Hy-line Brown layers, with 1575 ± 91 average body weight, were distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design with three treatments (control, 1.2% caffeinated coffee, or 1.2% decaffeinated coffee) of five replicates of eight birds each. The inclusion of 1.2% caffeinated coffee was calculated to supply 6mg caffeine per kg body weight, which is considered a moderate dose. The applied treatments did not influence (p>0.05) feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg mass, feed conversion ratio, Haugh units, yolk color or albumen and yolk percentages. The eggs of hens fed 1.2% caffeinated coffee presented lower (p<0.05) eggshell thickness and egg specific density. The eggs of layers fed 1.2% caffeinated coffee tended (p=0.0637) to present lower eggshell percentage. It was concluded that feeding caffeinated coffee to commercial layers does not affect their performance or internal egg quality; however, eggshell quality is impaired.Item Caffeine intake by patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2012) Vendramini, L.C.; Nishiura, J.L.; Baxmann, A.C.; Heilberg, I.P.Because caffeine may induce cyst and kidney enlargement in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), we evaluated caffeine intake and renal volume using renal ultrasound in ADPKD patients. Caffeine intake was estimated by the average of 24-h dietary recalls obtained on 3 nonconsecutive days in 102 ADPKD patients (68 females, 34 males; 39 ± 12 years) and compared to that of 102 healthy volunteers (74 females, 28 males; 38 ± 14 years). The awareness of the need for caffeine restriction was assessed. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records of the patients. Mean caffeine intake was significantly lower in ADPKD patients versus controls (86 vs 134 mg/day), and 63% of the ADPKD patients had been previously aware of caffeine restriction. Caffeine intake did not correlate with renal volume in ADPKD patients. There were no significant differences between the renal volumes of patients in the highest and lowest tertiles of caffeine consumption. Finally, age-adjusted multiple linear regression revealed that renal volume was associated with hypertension, chronic kidney disease stage 3 and the time since diagnosis, but not with caffeine intake. The present small cross-sectional study indicated a low level of caffeine consumption by ADPKD patients when compared to healthy volunteers, which was most likely due to prior awareness of the need for caffeine restriction. Within the range of caffeine intake observed by ADPKD patients in this study (0-471 mg/day), the renal volume was not directly associated with caffeine intake.Item Effects of caffeine on time to exhaustion in exercise performed below and above the anaerobic threshold(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 1998) Denadai, B.S; Denadai, M.L.D.R.Controversy still exists concerning the potential ergogenic benefit of caffeine (CAF) for exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of CAF ingestion on endurance performance during exercise on a bicycle ergometer at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above the anaerobic threshold (AT). Eight untrained males, non-regular consumers of CAF, participated in this study. AT, defined as the intensity (watts) corresponding to a lactate concentration of 4 mM, was determined during an incremental exercise test from rest to exhaustion on an electrically braked cycle ergometer. On the basis of these measurements, the subjects were asked to cycle until exhaustion at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above AT. Each intensity was performed twice in a double-blind randomized order by ingesting either CAF (5 mg/kg) or a placebo (PLA) 60 min prior to the test. Venous blood was analyzed for free fatty acid, glucose, and lactate, before, during, and immediately after exercise. Rating of perceived exertion and time to exhaustion were also measured during each trial. There were no differences in free fatty acids or lactate levels between CAF and PLA during and immediately after exercise for either intensity. Immediately after exercise glucose increased in the CAF trial at both intensities. Rating of perceived exertion was significantly lower (CAF = 14.1 ± 2.5 vs PLA = 16.6 ± 2.4) and time to exhaustion was significantly higher (CAF = 46.54 ± 8.05 min vs PLA = 32.42 ± 14.81 min) during exercise below AT with CAF. However, there was no effect of CAF treatment on rating of perceived exertion (CAF = 18.0 ± 2.7 vs PLA = 17.6 ± 2.3) and time to exhaustion (CAF = 18.45 ± 7.28 min vs PLA = 19.17 ± 4.37 min) during exercise above AT. We conclude that in untrained subjects caffeine can improve endurance performance during prolonged exercise performed below AT and that the decrease of perceived exertion can be involved in this process.Item Effects of coffee intake and intraperitoneal caffeine on bone repair process - a histologic and histometric study(Fundação Odontológica de Ribeirão Preto, 2015) Macedo, Rander Moreira; Brentegani, Luiz Guilherme; Lacerda, Suzie Aparecida deStudies have suggested that caffeine acts on bone promoting an increase of calcium excretion, inhibition of osteoblast proliferation and delay in tissue repair process, raising the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, periodontal disease and affecting the success of bone reconstructive procedures. The aim of this study was to analyze histomorphometrically the process of alveolar bone healing after tooth extraction in rats subjected to daily intake of boiled coffee or intraperitoneal administration of caffeine. Forty-five male rats were divided according to the treatment in Control group (C); Coffee group (CO) - treated with coffee since birth; and Caffeine (CAF) - intraperitoneal injection of aqueous solution of caffeine 1.5% (0.2 mL/100g body weight) for 30 days. When weighing between 250-300 g they were anesthetized, subjected to extraction of the maxillary right incisor, and euthanized 7, 21 and 42 days after surgery for histological assessments of bone volume and the quality of formed bone in the dental socket. The qualitative results demonstrated larger amounts of blood clot and immature bone in animals under treatment of pure caffeine compared to coffee and control. Histometric analysis revealed that coffee treatment led to a 40% drop in bone formation, and caffeine a 60% drop in comparison to control animals (ANOVA p≤0.01). It was concluded that both the daily ingestion of coffee and the intraperitoneal administration of caffeine in rats delayed the alveolar bone reparative process after tooth extraction, and this effect was more aggressive when pure caffeine was used.Item Cold coffee beverages extracted by cold and hot methods: composition and sensory acceptance by youngers(Editora UFLA, 2021) Violin, João Leonardo; Acre, Lucas Bonfanti; Francisco, Julyene Silva; Mori, André Luiz Buzzo; Benassi, Marta de ToledoBrazil is the second largest coffee consumer in the world, however, the participation of the young public in this market is not very expressive. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of non-sensory (packaging color, information, and images) and brewing methods (hot or cold extraction) on the acceptance of cold coffee beverages by young consumers. A coffee:water ratio of 1:10 (w:v) and infusion during 4 min and 24 h was used for both hot and cold extractions, respectively. Hot extraction was performed at 95 °C, then cooled in a refrigerator and served at 6 to 10 °C, the same temperature that the cold extraction was performed and served. The beverages were characterized by composition and extraction yield. The packaging of the beverages was designed aiming to appeal to the young Brazilian public (15 to 24 years old), and it was used for the Expectation Evaluation. The type of extraction (hot or cold) produced beverages with differences in composition but with similar acceptance. Except for pH (average value of 5.1), the beverages differed in all the studied parameters. Hot-extracted beverages (iced coffees) had higher contents of caffeine, chlorogenic acids, and melanoidins (92.9, 258.2, and 360.8∙10-6 kg 100 mL-1, respectively); they also presented higher acidity (3.4 mL of NaOH 20 mL-1) as well as higher yield compared to the cold-extracted beverages (cold brews). The use on product labels of brown and black colors, coffee bean images, and the inclusion of information regarding the bever ages (extraction method, consumption temperature, non-addition of sugar) generated a positive expectation that was assimilated by the young public. In conclusion, both proposals of cold coffee beverages (by hot or cold extraction) were well accepted considering their sensory and non-sensory aspects.Item Teores de compostos bioativos em cafés torrados e moídos comerciais(Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2010) Souza, Romilaine Mansano Nicolau de; Canuto, Gisele André Baptista; Dias, Rafael Carlos Eloy; Benassi, Marta de ToledoThe amounts of nicotinic acid, trigonelline, 5-CQA, caffeine, kahweol and cafestol in 38 commercial roasted coffees ranged from 0.02 to 0.04; 0.22 to 0.96; 0.14 to 1.20; 1.00 to 2.02; 0.10 to 0.80 and 0.25 to 0.55 g/100 g, respectively. Evaluation of color and content of thermo-labile compounds indicated similarity in roasting degree. Differences in the levels of diterpenes and caffeine, components less influenced by the roasting degree, could be mainly explained by the species used (arabica and robusta). Gourmet coffees showed high concentrations of diterpenes, trigonelline and 5-CQA and low levels of caffeine, indicating high proportion of arabica coffee.
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