Biblioteca do Café
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23 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Characterization and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora accessions in a germplasm bank in Espírito Santo, Brazil(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2021-06-20) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Mendonça, Rodolfo Ferreira de; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Senra, João Felipe Brites; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Comério, MarconeThe state of Espírito Santo is the major producer of Coffea canephora in Brazil. Knowledge of genetic reserves is fundamental to plant breeding. Therefore, the present study characterized and analyzed the genetic diversity of 600 C. canephora accessions from the germplasm bank of Incaper based on 38 traits evaluated in 24-30-month-old plants. Further, the predominant descriptors or traits were identified, and high phenotypic variability was determined. Genetic distances for the grouped (Gower), quantitative, and qualitative datasets were 0.48, 0.61, and 0.92, respectively, with accessions 76 (Conilon) and 407 (Robusta) being the most divergent ones at Incaper. In clustering using the Tocher optimization method, 30 groups were formed, with three accessions introduced from Epamig’s Robusta collection being the most dissimilar ones. Graphical dispersion analysis using the principal coordinate method revealed the predominance of three groups formed by the Robusta, Conilon, and hybrid Robusta × Conilon genotypes.Item Selection for frost resistance in Coffea arabica progenies carrying C. liberica var. dewevrei genes(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2005) Petek, Marcos Rafael; Sera, Tumoru; Alteia, Marcos ZorzenonThis research was carried out to estimate the variability and genetic parameters for the development of cultivars more frost resistant in Coffea arabica progenies, carrying C. liberica var. dewevrei genes. There is genetic variability for frost resistance in progenies with C. liberica var. dewevrei genes. The rust resistance, vegetative vigor and yield potential should be considered when developing cultivars adapted to frost occurrence areas. Cultivars with yield precocity such as IAPAR 59, that allows a faster recovery yield after a severe frost, minimizing the damage from the phenomenon. The use of index selection is efficient to select simultaneously progenies with greater frost adaptation, vegetative vigor, rust resistance and yield.Item Resistance to bacterial halo blight in Arabica coffee lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2 under natural infection conditions(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2018) Andreazi, Elder; Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera, Tumoru; Fonseca, Inês Cristina de Batista; Shigueoka, Luciana Harumi; Santos, Willian Gabriel dos; Pereira, Carlos Theodoro MottaThe aim of this study was to identify resistance to bacterial halo blight in Arabica coffee lines carrying Coffea racemosa genes. Eighteen Arabica coffee lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2, and the cultivars IAPAR 59 and IPR 99 were evaluated for resistance to bacterial halo blight in two trials carried out in field conditions, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. The cultivars Mundo Novo IAC 376-4 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 were included as susceptible controls. Ten lines and the cultivar IAPAR 59 showed resistance to bacterial halo blight. The cultivar IPR 99 presented intermediate reaction, and the controls were very susceptible. This is the first study to show that lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2, which has C. racemosa genes, could be a source of resistance to bacterial halo blight in coffee breeding programs.Item Grafted young coffee tree growth in a greenhouse(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2002) Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu; Tomaz, Marcelo Antonio; Martinez, Hermínia Emília Pietro; Pereira, Antonio Alves; Zambolim, Laércio; Cruz, Cosme DamiãoGrafted young coffee trees were observed in a greenhouse to study the effect of different scions and rootstocks on plant growth. Four Coffea arabica L. genotypes were used as scions: the cultivars Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15 and Oeiras MG 6851, and the progenies H 419-10-3-1-5 and H 514-5-5-3. They were also used as nongrafted control plants. Four genotypes were used as rootstocks: ‘Apoatã IAC 2258’ (C. canephora), ‘Conillon’ (C. canephora), ‘Emcapa 8141’ (C. canephora), and ‘Mundo Novo IAC 376-4’ (C. arabica). ‘Mundo Novo IAC 376-4’ and ‘Apoatã IAC 2258’ were classified as good rootstocks, while ‘Oeiras MG 6851’ and “H 419- 10-3-1-5” performed well as non-grafted plants. The diallel analysis statistical model was efficient to evaluate the general combination ability of the rootstocks and, therefore, recommended for rootstock selection procedures in breeding programs.Item Desempenho agronômico de progênies de café arábica resistentes ao nematoide Meloidogyne exigua na região do cerrado mineiro(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2021-07-12) Pinheiro, Letícia Mendes; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Ferreira, André Dominghetti; Salgado, Sônia Maria de LimaOs nematoides do gênero Meloidogyne são atualmente um grande problema para a cafeicultura brasileira, devido à ampla distribuição da espécie M. exigua em áreas cafeeiras e à agressividade das espécies M. paranaensis e M. incognita. O controle dos nematoides é complexo, e a fim de manter os níveis de produtividade e garantir a longevidade das lavouras, o plantio de cultivares resistentes passou a ser uma importante estratégia de manejo. Objetivouse com este trabalho encontrar progênies de C. arabica resistentes ao nematoide M. exigua e com características agronômicas superiores. Foram instalados dois experimentos na região do cerrado mineiro, utilizando 34 progênies e as cultivares MGS Paraíso 2 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 como testemunhas. As progênies têm origem no cruzamento entre cultivares do grupo Catuaí e Híbrido de Timor, e estão em fase final de seleção. Foram avaliados: produtividade (em sacas de café beneficiado ha-¹), rendimento no beneficiamento, vigor vegetativo, porcentagem de frutos chochos, maturação, porcentagem de grãos chatos retidos na peneira 16 e acima, população dos nematoides no sistema radicular por número de ovos e juvenis grama de raíz-¹, incidência e severidade de cercosporiose nas folhas e incidência de cercosporiose nos frutos. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as progênies 2, 12, 17, 18 e a cultivar MGS Paraíso 2 apresentaram comportamento superior nos Experimentos 1 e 2; as progênies 2, 12, 17 e 18 apresentaram produtividades semelhantes à do Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, porém, com menor população de M. exigua no sistema radicular e que as progênies estudadas não apresentam potencial de seleção para cercosporiose.Item Selection of Conilon coffee clones for the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, Brazil(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2022-06-09) Moura, Waldênia de Melo; Pedrosa, Adriene Woods; Oliveira, Rebeca Lourenço de; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Verdin Filho, Abraão CarlosRecently, the cultivation of Coffea canephora species has expanded as a consequence of climate change effects and emerging markets that use this cof-fee as raw material. To meet such demands of production, it is necessary to also improve yield in cultivated areas. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate Conilon coffee clones to identify the most promising fitting material for the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais, as well as to analyze the effect of the genotype x biennium interaction and estimate correlation coefficients among evaluated characteristics. Vegetative vigor, yield, main pests and diseases were evaluated in 36 clones from Incaper, ES. The statistical analyses considered the averages of each biennium: Biennium 1 (B1) - 2005/2006; Biennium 2 (B2) - 2007/2008; Biennium 3 (B3) - 2009/2010, and also the average of three biennia (A3B). Univariate and joint statistical analysis were performed, as well as estimates of phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlation coefficients among assessed characteristics. A wide variability among clones was observed for most of the evaluated characteristics for both each biennium and the average of three biennia. The severities of most diseases have reduced over the years of cultivation. The genotypic correlation coefficients have overcome phenotypic and environmental ones. In general, pests and diseases severities showed significant and negative correlations with vegetative vigor and yield. On the other hand, the last two characteristics were posi-tively correlated. It was also evidenced a certain diversity among clones for most of the evaluated traits. Clone x biennium interaction was significant only for yield and leaf rust severity. There are negative correlations among the characteristics associated with yield and pests and diseases occurrences, which make it possible the use of yield variable as a selection parameter. Clones 24, 23, 28, 26, 21, 29 and 06 MG/ES present a higher potential for cultivation in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais.Item Characterization and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora accessions in a germplasm bank in Espírito Santo, Brazil(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2021) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Mendonça, Rodolfo Ferreira de; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Senra, João Felipe Brites; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Comério, MarconeThe state of Espírito Santo is the major producer of Coffea canephora in Brazil. Knowledge of genetic reserves is fundamental to plant breeding. Therefore, the present study characterized and analyzed the genetic diversity of 600 C. canephora accessions from the germplasm bank of Incaper based on 38 traits evaluated in 24-30-month-old plants. Further, the predominant descriptors or traits were identified, and high phenotypic variability was determined. Genetic distances for the grouped (Gower), quantitative, and qualitative datasets were 0.48, 0.61, and 0.92, respectively, with accessions 76 (Conilon) and 407 (Robusta) being the most divergent ones at Incaper. In clustering using the Tocher optimization method, 30 groups were formed, with three accessions introduced from Epamig’s Robusta collection being the most dissimilar ones. Graphical dispersion analysis using the principal coordinate method revealed the predominance of three groups formed by the Robusta, Conilon, and hybrid Robusta × Conilon genotypes.Item IPR 106: new Arabica coffee cultivar, resistant to some Meloidogyne paranaensis and M. incognita nematode populations of Paraná(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2020) Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Machado, Andressa Cristina Zamboni; Ito, Dhalton Shiguer; Shigueoka, Luciana Harumi; Silva, Santino Aleandro da; Sera, TumoruCultivar IPR 106 resulted from a spontaneous hybridization between “Icatu IAC 925” and an unknow dwarf plant. It is a dwarf cultivar with high rusticity, late ripening cycle, large grains, excellent cup quality and resistance to some populations of the nematodes Meloidogyne paranaensis and M. incognita found in the state of Paraná.Item Estimation of genetic parameters and selection of Coffea canephora progenies evaluated in Brazilian Western Amazon(Editora UFLA, 2020) Bergo, Celso Luis; Miqueloni, Daniela Popim; Lunz, Aureny Maria Pereira; Assis, Giselle Mariano Lessa deCoffee has emerged as an economic alternative culture in the State of Acre, Brazil, but without a clonal variety recommended for the state to overcome the unevenness presented by seed crops. Thus, in order to estimate genetic parameters and indicate progenies of Coffea canephora to compose a clonal variety for the State of Acre, yield, vegetative vigor and plant height were evaluated in five harvests of a randomized complete block experiment with 46 progenies, 4 repetitions and 10 plants per plot by mixed model methodology (REML/BLUP). The harvests were evaluated individually, by the model that considers one harvest, one location and the mean of progenies, and joint analysis (all harvests), by repeatability model with stability and temporal adaptability by the harmonic mean of relative performance of genotypic values method (MHPRVG), with genotypic values of progenies grouped by the Tocher method. There was variability, with possibility of selection, only for grain yield. The yield was strongly affected by production bienniality, with high environmental influence and harvests mean ranging from 14.13±4.60 to 46.20±14.94 bags ha-1 and individual heritabilities from 0.10 to 0.44. Sixteen‘Conilon’ coffee progenies with selection gains above 23% were selected. The MHPRVG method allows the refinement of progeny selection throughout the harvests, identifying the most adapted and stable.Item Associação de Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae com algumas características agronômicas em cafeeiros F2 segregantes para o gene erecta(Editora UFLA, 2004-09) Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera, Tumoru; Altéia, Marcos Zorzenom; Androcioli Filho, Armando; Azevedo, José Alves de; Petek, Marcos Rafael; Ito, Dhalton ShiguerA bacteriose causada pela Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae provoca grandes prejuízos em algumas regiões da cafei- cultura brasileira, como Paraná, São Paulo e Minas Gerais, principalmente em lavouras novas, podadas e expostas ao vento. Com este trabalho, objetivou-se estudar nas plantas F 2 do cruzamento entre os genótipos IAPAR-59 e Catuaí Erecta a associação entre as características vigor vegetativo e ângulos de inserção das ramificações plagiotrópicas sobre a intensidade de ocorrência da bacteriose. Avaliaram-se, em outubro de 2001, 316 plantas F 2 plantadas no IAPAR de Londrina em outubro de 1998. A escala de notas de avaliação da incidência de bacteriose adotada foi de 1 a 5, sendo 1 = plantas sem lesão e 5 = plantas com muitas lesões. As notas de vigor vegetativo adotadas foram de 1 a 5, sendo 1 para folhas de coloração verde-claras e 5 para folhas verde- escuras. Para a inserção dos ramos plagiotrópicos sobre os ortotrópicos, as notas variaram de 1 a 3, sendo 1 = normal (45 a 70o), 2 = semi-ereta (25 a 40o) e 3 = ereta (5 a 20o). Estimou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para verificar a associação entre as características vigor vegetativo e do ângulo de inserção das ramificações plagiotrópicas com a intensidade de ocorrência da bacteriose nos cafeeiros. A correlação estimada entre a intensidade da bacteriose com o ângulo de inserção dos ramos plagiotrópicos foi de r = + 0,2087**. Não houve correlação significativa entre a bacteriose e o vigor vegetativo. Assim, plantas com ramificação plagiotrópica ereta são predispostas a uma maior incidência de bacteriose.
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