Biblioteca do Café

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Nutritional value and fermentative characteristics of pearl millet silage with different levels of coffee husk
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023-07-17) Souza, Leir de Oliveira; Neiva Júnior, Arnaldo Prata; Tavares, Valdir Botega; Gurgel, Antonio Leandro Chaves; Teixeira, Rafael Monteiro Araújo; Lara, Erika Christina; Fernandes, Patrick Bezerra; Ítavo, Luís Carlos Vinhas
    The research was conducted to test the hypothesis that the inclusion of coffee husk (Coffea sp.) would improve the fermentative characteristics and quality of pearl millet silage (Pennisetumglaucum). Thus, the objective was to assess the effect of the inclusion of different levels of coffee husk in pearl millet silage on the chemical composition, fermentative characteristics and degradability in situ of silage. The experimental design used was completely randomized and the treatments consisted of the silage of the whole pearl millet plant with the inclusion of increasing levels of coffee husk: 0%, 7%, 14% and 21%, based on natural matter. After 60 days of fermentation, the silages were evaluated for chemical characteristics, fermentative, degradability in situ dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). The inclusion of coffee husk did not alter (P > 0.05) the contents of crude protein (11.94%), NDF (44.89%) and total digestible nutrients (65.09%). There were increases in the concentrations of DM and fiber in acid detergent, accompanied by a reduction in the concentrations of mineral matter and ether extract, as the proportion of coffee husks in silages increased. There was an increase in the lignin content up to the level of 7.59% inclusion of the coffee husk. There was no effect of the inclusion of the coffee husk on the pH of the silage (3.60). However, the inclusion of coffee husk resulted in a reduction in temperature, gas losses, and degradability in situ of silage DM and NDF. It is recommended to include coffee husk up to the level of 14.0% of the natural matter to improve the fermentation pattern and the quality of the pearl millet silage.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Minas Gerais (Coffea spp.): aptidão para a produção de Cafés Especiais
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2017-06-20) Fassio, Larissa de Oliveira; Pereira, Rosemary Gualberto Fonseca Alvarenga; Malta, Marcelo Ribeiro
    Um dos principais instrumentos que a atual cafeicultura brasileira dispõe para se manter no mercado, é a qualidade. Em decorrência da crescente demanda por cafés com alta qualidade de bebida, o interesse no plantio de cultivares de maior potencial para produção de cafés especiais tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos. Logo, iniciativas de estudos da qualidade de diferentes genótipos gera informações importantes sobre o futuro da produção de cafés especiais no Brasil. Portanto, este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar os acessos do Banco Ativo de Germolasma de Minas Gerais quanto: i) ao potencial de qualidade dos acessos em função de duas colheitas consecutivas e caracterizar o perfil sensorial dos mesmos; ii) a influência dos processamentos via úmida e via seca na qualidade e no perfil sensorial dos acessos; iii) a encontrar possíveis marcadores químicos para discriminar grupos genealógicos de Coffea arabica processados pelo método via seca utilizando a análise discriminante parcial de mínimos quadrados (PLS-DA); iv) avaliar a discriminação dos acessos processados pelo despolpamento através de um modelo de classificação PLS-DA. O experimento foi conduzido no Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Minas Gerais (BAG) situado no Campo Experimental da Epamig em Patrocínio, na região Cerrado de Minas, no qual foram avaliados 56 acessos de C. arabica L., implantados no campo em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições e dez plantas por parcela. Os frutos maduros de cada parcela foram colhidos na safra 2015/2016 e processados pelo método via úmida (despolpado) e via seca (natural), secos sob a mesma condição em peneiras de fundo telado até teor de água de 11% (bu). A análise sensorial foi realizada por provadores treinados de acordo com os protolos da SCAA e as análises químicas foram desenvolvidas por métodos cromatográficos e físicoquímicos. Para a interpretação dos dados foram utilizadas as análises quimiométricas PCA e PLS-DA, e para a caracterização das nuances sensoriais utilizou-se o método de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que o banco de germoplasma de Minas Gerais representa uma importante coleção de genótipos com elevado potencial de qualidade de bebida que podem ser aproveitados em programas de melhoramento visando a produção de cultivares para o mercado de cafés especiais. O ano de colheita e o tipo de processamento adotado influenciaram na qualidade e nas características sensoriais de alguns acessos. A classificação dos grupos genealógicos do banco de germoplasma de Minas Gerais através da abordagem química usando a técnica PLS-DA permitiu identificar marcadores químicos para discriminar os genótipos tanto pelo processamento via úmida como pelo processamento via seca, e quais deles apresentam maior influência na resposta da análise. Este estudo mostrou também que o modelo PLS-DA é uma boa ferramenta para discriminar acessos de C. arabica, porém para cultivares com fundo genético diferentes, a classificação não é totalmente satisfatória, sendo necessário aperfeiçoamento do modelo para classificar essas cultivares.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Specialty coffees fermented at different altitudes: Influence of yeast co-inoculation on chemical and sensory composition
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2021-04-26) Bressani, Ana Paula Pereira; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Simão, João Batista Pavesi; Batista, Nádia Nara
    Specialty coffees are gaining more space in the Brazilian market, and the changes in production, processing, marketing, and consumer culture are noticeable. Unquestionably, the use of selected starter cultures in the fermentation process improves the coffee quality. However, the microorganisms' behavior can be different depending on the variety, processing method, and altitude. Thus, this paper aims to (i) use metabolomics, chemical, and sensory methodologies to evaluate the quality of fermented coffees of the cultivar Catuaí vermelho IAC-44 at different altitudes (600 and 1,200 m) located in the Caparaó region. (ii) analyze consumers’ knowledge and perspectives on coffees and investigate how information can influence consumers’ sensory experience. For this, the coffee cherries were harvested manually and separated into batches of 20 kg, representing seven treatments plus control at each altitude. The starter cultures - Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMA 0543, Candida parapsilosis CCMA 0544, and Torulospora delbrueckii CCMA 0684 - were inoculated, isolated, and in co-inoculation. The control was performed without inoculation. Fermentation of whole fruits lasted 72 h in closed bioreactors. Then, the coffees were transferred to the suspended terraces until 11- 12% moisture. Samples were collected and frozen for chemical analysis. We studied the improving coffee beverage quality cultivated at low altitudes through inoculation of yeast during fermentation in dry processing. The analyzes were performed using liquid and gas chromatography, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and cup testing. Differences in chemical compounds were observed between the inoculated coffees and the control, both for green and roasted beans. Fermentation improved the quality of low-altitude coffees, and the co-inoculation of non-Saccharomyces yeasts (C. parapsilosis CCMA 0544 and T. delbrueckii CCMA 0684) had the highest sensory score (85), being the most suitable for this process. The second topic addressed in this work was the influence of fermentation with starter cultures concerning the bioactive, chemical, and sensory compounds of coffee produced at high altitudes. The content of total polyphenols and antioxidants is strongly correlated with the end of fermentation in a closed bioreactor and after roasting. The trigonelline content has a moderate and negative correlation with fermentation and roasting. Fruity, citric, and wine notes were found only in inoculated treatments. The co-inoculated with the three yeasts showed the highest sensory score (86.9). The third aspect addressed was understanding the perspectives and desires of coffee consumers through a questionnaire in a digital format with 1,005 participants. The chocolate flavor is still the most expected in specialty coffee. The Check-all-that-Apply (CATA) test was carried out with 101 consumers using the same coffee (without and with information). Sensory analysis showed that consumers could be influenced by information. Therefore, co-inoculation of yeasts in coffee fermentation is a promising alternative for low and high-altitude coffee. Also, specialty fermented coffees should be made more widely available to consumers.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Características químicas, físico-químicas e sensoriais de cultivares de Coffea arabica L.
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2004-03-05) Mendonça, Luciana Maria Vieira Lopes; Pereira, Rosemary Gualberto Fonseca Alvarenga
    Este trabalho teve objetivou caracterizar a composição química e físico-química, avaliar sensorialmente e proceder à classificação por tipo e peneira dos grãos de 16 cultivares de café Coffea arábica L., com o intuito de avaliar novos materiais desenvolvidos com resistência a ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berg. et Br.) em comparação aos tradicionais. Desta forma, frutos provenientes do ensaio de melhoramento genético do MAPA/PROCAFÉ, localizado na Fazenda Experimental de Varginha em MG foram colhidos e transportados imediatamente para o Pólo de Tecnologia em Pós-Colheita do Café da UFLA, onde foram lavados, descascados e secados em terreiro de concreto. Após o beneficiamento, os grãos foram acondicionados em latas de alumínio e armazenados à 15⁰C. Os frutos avaliados correspondiam às cultivares ‘Acaiá’, ‘Acauã’, ‘Bourbon Amarelo’, ‘Canário’, ‘Catuaí Amarelo’, ‘Catuaí Vermelho’, ‘ Catucaí Amarelo’, ‘ Catucaí Vermelho’, ‘ Icatu Amarelo’, ‘Icatu Vermelho’, ‘Mundo Novo’, ‘Palma’, ‘Rubi’, ‘Sabiá 398’, ‘ Siriema’, ‘Topázio’, da safra 2002. Os grãos crus foram moídos em moinho de bola com nitrogênio líquido e grãos torrados foram obtidos por torração clara, monitorada por métodos colorimétricos. Procedeu-se a avaliação estatística univariada e multivariada dos dados, com o objetivo de estabelecer comparações entre as cultivares e realizar o agrupamento das mesmas. Diferenças foram observadas entre as cultivares para a composição química As técnicas multivariadas empregadas permitiram separar as cultivares em função da composição química do grão cru, sendo o teor de açúcares redutores, protéinas, cinzas, extrato etéreo e polifenóis os constituintes que mais contribuíram para esta separação. No café torrado foram o Ph, os teores dos açúcares totais e não redutores, a proteína, o extrato aquoso, o extrato etéreo, a luminosidade (L) e a coordenada cromática “a” considerados os melhores descritores. Sensorialmente observou-se que, as cultivares apresentaram características peculiares e que aquelas resistentes à ferrugem apresentaram qualidades diferenciadas, no entranto sem causar prejuízo à bebida.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Effects of coffee and cocoa as fermentation additives on sensory quality and chemical compositions of cigar tobacco leaves
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2022-10-13) Hu, Wanrong; Zhou, Quanwei; Cai, Wen; Liu, Jie; Li, Pinhe; Hu, Dejun; Luo, Cheng; Li, Dongliang
    Exogenous additives applied for cigar tobacco leaves fermentation played an important role in sensory quality of cigar. In this study, effects of additives including coffee and cocoa on the quality of cigar tobacco leaves were explored. The changes of sensory quality, conventional chemical components, nonvolatile organic acids, and aroma compositions in tobacco leaves were studied. Results showed that the richness, mellowness and matureness of aroma, as well as the fluentness and sweetness of smoke in cigar were improved with the introduction of coffee or cocoa. According to chemical composition analysis, fermentation with coffee or cocoa increased the contents of alkaloids and sugar in tobacco leaves, which endowed the tobacco a relatively good performance on the sweetness and aroma richness. Besides, the decrease of citric acid, as well as the increase of saturated fatty acid and aroma components were found with additives, which was beneficial to improve the mellowness and aroma richness of cigar. It was suggested that coffee and cocoa exhibited positive effects on the chemical composition, especially increased the contents of sugar, saturated fatty acids and aromatic components, thus improving the sensory quality of tobacco leaves.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Nutritional composition and caffeine content of coffee-galangal affected by the variation of sweetener addition
    (Editora UFLA, 2021) Destryana, R. Amilia; Yuniastri, Ratih; Wibisono, Aryo; Nurani, Fesdila Putri
    Coffee-galangal is a herb coffee, a mixture of coffee powder and galangal powder, which has a different aroma and taste and the galangal itself has excellent properties for the body. The sweetener commonly used in products is sucrose based sugar. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of sweetener on the chemical properties and caffeine content, such as cane sugar, palm sugar and alcoholic sugar. The nutritional composition were determined by carbohydrate content, protein content, fat content, water content, and caffeine content. The addition of sweeteners in the form of cane sugar, palm sugar, and alcoholic sugar is in coffee-galangal was significantly different from the unsweetened control treatments on the parameters of carbohydrate content, water content, ash content, and fat content, but did not significantly affect protein content. The use of different types of sweeteners added to coffee-galangal products significantly (α = 5%) on total carbohydrate, water, ash, and fat content. The parameter values of the chemical properties of the product in this study were: carbohydrate content of 64.47-82.60%, water content 5.19-17.08%, ash content 1.74-4.47%, fat content 3.25 - 6.79%, protein content from 4.96 to 7.5%, and caffeine content 0.68 – 1.79 %. Finding in this study showed that alcoholic sugar has the highest percentage of caffeine content and the lowest carbohydrate content.