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Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Drying of arabica coffee and its effect on the gene expression and activity of enzymes linked to seed physiological quality(Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2023) Carvalho, Mayara Holanda de; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Coelho, Stefânia Viias Boas; Guimarães, Cristiane Carvalho; Martins, Rayana de Sá; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Paiva, Luciano VilelaThe reduced longevity of coffee seeds has been attributed to their sensitivity to desiccation. Studies related to gene expression and enzyme activity in coffee seeds under drying are important for understanding the effects of drying on their physiological quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular aspects of seeds under different drying methods and associate them with physiological quality. Coffee seeds with different water contents were dried both slowly and rapidly. Enzymatic activity was analysed, as well as the expression of genes that encode the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxiredoxins, isocitrate lyase, and endo-ß-mannanase. There was a significant effect of drying speed and final water content on enzyme activity and on the expression of the different genes analysed. In seeds under rapid drying, there was greater expression of the genes that encode the enzymes catalase and endo-ßmannanase. Greater expression of the 1 CYS PRX and SOD genes and greater activity of the ICL isoenzymes were found in seeds with superior physiological quality, but greater activity of the endo-β-mannanase and CAT enzymes occurred in seeds with lower physiological quality.Item Morphological characteristics and cell viability of coffee plants calli(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-04) Pádua, Marlúcia Souza; Paiva, Luciano Vilela; Silva, Luciano Coutinho da; Livramento, Kalynka Gabriella do; Alves, Eduardo; Castro, Ana Hortência FonsecaThe a im of this research was to characterize and compare two types of calli from leaf explants of Coffea arabica (cultivar Catiguá). Cells of different types of callus were successfully characterized regarding viability and internal and external morphological characteristics. It was obtained two morphologically distinct types of callus: (i) yellow friable and (ii) transparent watery. The yellow friable calli showed higher cell viability and embryogenic characteristics. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed embryogenic characteristics in cells of the yellow friable calli evidenced by the presence of small and isodiametric cells, while transparent watery calli showed elongated cells and large cytoplasm vacuolization.Item Inibição da tripsina de bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro por um fator não-protéico presente em extratos de folhas de mamona(Editora UFLA, 2010-03) Rossi, Guilherme Duarte; Santos, Custódio Donizete dos; Cardoso, Maria das Graças; Corrêa, Angelita Duarte; Abreu, Celeste Maria Patto de; Paiva, Luciano VilelaInibidores de tripsina representam uma estratégia de controle de insetos e, por isso, a identificação e caracterização desses inibidores são etapas muito importantes para que novas formas de controle de pragas sejam desenvolvidas. Os inibidores de tripsina atuam na digestão primária de proteínas e comprometem o processo digestivo por completo, reduzindo a disponibilidade de aminoácidos ao inseto. A incorporação de inibidores de tripsina na dieta de insetos-praga é uma forma de controle cuja eficácia foi verificada por diferentes autores. Este projeto foi conduzido a fim de se observar a eficiência de extratos de folhas de mamona na inibição “in vitro” de proteinases do tipo tripsina do bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro. Após testes realizados com os extratos de folhas de mamona não-fervidos e fervidos com e sem a adição de -mercaptoetanol 0,2% (v/v) e mediante precipitações com acetona, verificou-se que o inibidor é uma molécula termoresistente e não-protéica. Desta forma, iniciou-se um processo de purificação da molécula inibidora por meio de cromatografia de adsorção com posterior análise em espectrômetro de massas. Os resultados dos testes de inibição indicaram a presença de um inibidor de tripsina eficaz contra o bicho-mineiro do cafeeiro nos extratos de folhas de mamona capaz de inibir 2,48 + 0,15 UTI, o que representa aproximadamente 40% de inibição. Em testes realizados com tripsina bovina observou-se que o extrato de folhas de mamona não apresenta poder de inibição sobre essa enzima.Item Efficiency of RNA extraction protocols in different types of coffee plant tissues(Editora UFLA, 2012-09) Paula, Márcia Fabiana Barbosa de; Ságio, Solange Aparecida; Lazzari, Fabiane; Barreto, Horllys Gomes; Paiva, Luciano Vilela; Chalfun-Junior, AntonioIn order to use sensitive techniques of molecular biology, such as the study of differentially expressed genes, a high- quality RNA in suitable quantities is necessary. Due to the presence of several varieties and often expressive quantities of secondary compounds in plants, there is no standard method for the isolation of nucleic acids that can be used for all species. Polyphenols and polysaccharides are the compounds that interfere the most in the extraction process, and when they are present, a low-quality RNA is produced. Four RNA extraction methods (CTAB method, Hot Borate, CONCERT and Tri Reagent), in four different coffee tissues (root, leaf, flower and fruit) were tested in this work, aiming at determining which method is more efficient. It was observed that the CTAB and Hot Borate methods, in which PVP and/or β -mercaptoethanol were added and precipitation with LiCl was performed, presented more pure RNA, with no degradation observed in any of the tissues, being suitable for further gene expression analysis. High-quality RNA was not obtained from any tissue in the extraction with Tri Reagent, which includes the use of phenol, and thus expression analysis was disturbed. The CTAB macroextraction method presented samples with the highest RNA quality and largest quantities in all tissues. Future works need to be carried out aiming the standardization of this macroextraction method.Item Influência de reguladores de crescimento no desenvolvimento radicular de sementes de Coffea arabica L. 'Rubi' in vitro(Editora UFLA, 2008-01) Lacerda, Guilherme Araújo; Chalfun-Júnior, Antonio; Paiva, Luciano Vilela; Melo, Emanuelle Ferreira; Oliveira, Anderson Castro Soares de; Rezende, Juliana Costa deAvaliou-se o efeito de reguladores de crescimento na germinação e enraizamento in vitro de sementes de cafeeiro Rubi (Coffea arabica L. Rubi ). Sementes de plantas adultas de cafeeiro foram inoculadas em meio MS/2 + 20 g L-1 de sacarose e 6 g L-1 de ágar. Foram testados quatro tratamentos: T1 - controle; T2 - 6 mg L-1 de BAP + 0,1 mg L-1 de ANA; T3- 6 mg L-1 de BAP; T4 - 5 mg L-1 de GA3. O melhor tratamento obtido para enraizamento de sementes de cafeeiro foi o controle (MS/2 + ágar + sacarose), tornandose desnecessária a adição de reguladores de crescimento.