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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Effect of indole-3-acetic acid on growth, physiology and nutritional status of young arabica coffee plants
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-01-20) Erlacher, Wellington Abeldt; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira do; Amaral, José Augusto Teixeira do; Christo, Bruno Fardim; Ferreira, Daniel Soares; Tatagiba, Sandro Dan; Rocha, Brunno Cesar Pereira; Tomaz, Marcelo Antonio; Rodrigues, Wagner Nunes; Partelli, Fábio Luiz
    Coffee is one of the main agricultural commodities in the world. Thus, research aimed at reducing the productive risks of the crop has been increasingly encouraged, among which the use of plant hormones stands out. In addition, the objective of this work was to analyze the effect of the application of indole-3-acetic acid on the growth, nutrition and gas exchange of young Coffea arabica L plants. The experiment was carried out in the field in the city of Alegre, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, testing the effect of the application of five doses of indole-3-acetic acid in young Arabica coffee plants, in four replications. The application of indole-3-acetic acid stimulates the growth rate of the stem diameter at a concentration of 60 mg L-1, as well as gas exchange in coffee plants, however it did not favor the increase in the substomatic concentration of CO2 instantaneous and intrinsic efficiency in water use and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. Although the application of EIA was not able to provide direct gains in coffee growth during the experimental period, a longer evaluation of the treatments would possibly provide promising results for the coffee crop. The multivariate analysis showed that higher doses of auxin have a high relationship with the macronutrients studied.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Microclimate, development and productivity of robusta coffee shaded by rubber trees and at full sun
    (Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2016-10) Araújo, André Vasconcellos; Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Oliosi, Gleison; Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo
    There are few studies about the shading of Robusta coffee with rubber trees. The aim of this study was evaluate the microclimate, development and yield of Coffea canephora grown at full sun and shaded by rubber trees. The experiment consisted of a Robusta coffee crop (Coffea canephora) grown at under full sun and another coffee crop intercropped with rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis). The rubber trees and coffee crop were planted in the East/West direction, in Jaguaré, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Was evaluated the luminosity, temperature and relative humidity, leaf nutrient concentrations; internodes of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches, leaf area; relative chlorophyll index, and tree yield of the coffee crops. The shading directly influenced the microclimate by reducing the air temperature in the summer and winter, as well as by increasing relative humidity. Luminosity in the summer had an average decrease of 905 lumens ft -2 throughout the day, which was equivalent to 72.49%, and luminosity in the winter had an average decrease of 1665 lumens ft -2 , which was equivalent to 88.04%. The shading provided greater etiolation of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches as well as greater leaf expansion as compared to the full sun. The leaf concentration of Fe and Mn were higher in the shaded coffee. Estimated chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were greater in the coffee crop grown at under full sun. The dense shading produced by rubber trees provided losses in the coffee crop yield, however, there is the formation of the rubber tree.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Microclimate and development of 'Conilon' coffee intercropped with rubber trees
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2014-11) Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Araújo, André Vasconcellos; Vieira, Henrique Duarte; Dias, Jairo Rafael Machado; Menezes, Luis Fernando Tavares de; Ramalho, José Cochicho
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of intercropping 'Conilon' coffee (Coffea canephora) with rubber trees on coffee tree microclimate, nutrition, growth, and yield. Rubber trees were planted in two double rows 33 m apart, with 4x2.3 m spacing between plants. Treatments consisted of the distances from the coffee plants to the rubber trees: 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 m. Measurements of atmospheric variables (temperature, irradiance, and relative humidity), leaf nutrient concentration, internode length of plagiotropic and orthotropic branches, individual leaf area, chlorophyll content, and yield were performed. Intercropping promotes changes in the microclimatic conditions of coffee plants close to rubber trees, with reduction of temperature and irradiance level and increase in air relative humidity. The proximity of the coffee tree to the rubber trees promotes the elongation of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches and increases the individual leaf area; however, it does not affect leaf concentrations of N, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, and B in 'Conilon' coffee and does not have a negative impact on yield.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Microclima e crescimento vegetativo do café conilon consorciado com bananeiras
    (Editora UFLA, 2015-04) Araújo, André Vasconcelos; Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Oliveira, Marcos Goes; Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo; Falqueto, Antelmo Ralph; Cavatte, Paulo César;
    O consórcio de café Conilon (Coffea canephora) com bananeira (Musa sp.), vem sendo muito utilizado entre os agricultores. Objetivou-se caracterizar o microclima existente num sistema de consórcio de café Conilon com bananeira e seus efeitos no crescimento do cafeeiro. O café foi plantado com espaçamento de 3,5 x 1,2 m, consorciado com banana subgrupo Terra, com espaçamento 10,5 x 1,5 m, plantados no sentido Leste-Oeste. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos divididos de acordo com a distância entre as bananeiras e a lavoura cafeeira. As avaliações climáticas incluíram a irradiância, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, em fevereiro (verão) e junho (inverno). Em relação ao cafeeiro, avaliaram-se a concentração de nutrientes foliares, o comprimento dos internódios dos ramos plagiotrópicos e ortotrópicos, área foliar e estimação do teor de clorofilas (a e b e total) dos cafeeiros, no verão e no inverno. A bananeira diminuiu a incidência de radiação e temperatura, ao longo do dia, nos cafeeiros, especialmente naqueles situados mais próximos às bananeiras e, em particular, no período de verão. O sombreamento promovido pela bananeira não foi suficiente para promover alterações morfológicas no cafeeiro. Contudo, os teores foliares de P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, diminuíram principalmente nas plantas situadas a 1,75 m da bananeira. Os valores de clorofila b e total, foram maiores nos cafeeiros situados próximos às bananeiras, no período de inverno.