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Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Steps of cryopreservation of coffee seeds: physiological responses and antioxidant systems(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023-08-21) Souza, Ana Cristina de; Costa, Marina Chagas; Figueiredo, Madeleine Alves de; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Coelho, Stefânia Vilas Boas; Vilela, Ana Luiza Oliveira; Pereira, Diego de Souza; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco daThe cryopreservation of plant germplasm at ultralow temperatures is an alternative technique for the long-term storage of seeds of the genus Coffea sp. However, for this technique to be successful, cell integrity must be maintained at all stages of the process on the basis of scientific research. The present study investigated validated cryopreservation protocols for Coffea arabica L. seeds and evaluate the effects on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the seeds at each stage of the process. Seeds were dried on silica gel or with saturated saline solution, precooled or not in a biofreezer, immersed in nitrogen, and reheated in a water bath. After each of these steps, the physiological and biochemical quality of the seeds was determined. Pre-cooling is a step that can be dispensed with in the cryopreservation of Coffea arabica seeds, direct immersion in liquid nitrogen being more indicated. Coffea arabica L. seeds tolerate cryopreservation after rapid drying in silica gel up to water contents of 17 or 20% (wb), with greater survival at 17%. The enzyme activities of catalase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase are indicators of the quality of C. arabica L. seeds subjected to cryopreservation.Item Association between the artificial aging test and the natural storage of coffee seeds(Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes - ABRATES, 2018) Fantazzini, Tatiana Botelho; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Pereira, Diego de Sousa; Cirillo, Marcelo Ângelo; Ossani, Paulo CésarThe accelerated aging test is recognized as an efficient method for evaluating the vigor of seed lots and for estimating their storage potential. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the association between artificial aging and natural storage of coffee seeds, through the correlation factor analysis. Seeds of four cultivars of Coffea arabica L. (Catuaí Amarelo, Arara, Catiguá, and Mundo Novo) and one of Coffea canephora Pierre (Apoatã) were used. Part of the newly-harvested seeds were aged in a growth chamber under controlled temperature and relative humidity conditions (42 ºC and 100% RH) for periods of 0, 4, 6, 8, and 10 days. The other part of the seeds was stored in tri-wall paper packaging for a period of 2, 4, and 6 months in a non-climate-controlled environment. Artificial aging allows predictions on the storage potential of coffee seeds, although the artificial aging periods depend on the cultivars.Item Effect of chemical treatment on the physiological and sanitary quality of stored coffee seeds(Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes - ABRATES, 2021) Penido, Amanda Carvalho; Rodrigues, Vitor Oliveira; Carvalho, Marcos Vinícios de; Krepischi, Levi Suzigan; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Oliveira, João AlmirMaintaining the health of coffee seeds is especially important during storage, as soil fungi and storage fungi can considerably reduce seed quality. Thus, chemical treatments for protection of seeds in storage becomes important in agricultural production. It is necessary to evaluate the effects of these treatments on seedling development and the protection they provide against storage fungi, aiming at seed longevity and preventing rapid deterioration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of chemical treatment on the physiological and sanitary quality of stored coffee seeds. Seeds of five Coffea arabica cultivars were pre-dried, treated with Vitavax®- Thiram, and placed in cold storage at 10 °C for nine months. Seed physiological quality was evaluated every three months by the germination test and by determination of root emergence percentage, seedlings with expanded cotyledonary leaves, and seedling dry matter. Seed health quality was assessed by the health test. The chemical treatment with Vitavax-Thiram does not affect the physiological quality of stored Coffea arabica seeds. Seed treatment before storage is effective in reducing the inoculum potential of Fusarium spp. and Phoma spp. in coffee seeds.Item Physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructural aspects of Coffea arabica L. seeds under different cryopreservation protocols(Editora UFLA, 2021) Figueiredo, Madeleine Alves de; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Ricaldoni, Marcela Andreotti; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Coelho, Stefânia Vilas Boas; Silva, Luciano CoutinhoCryopreservation is a technique that may potentially conserve the germplasm of species of the Coffea genus for an indeterminate time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of cryopreserved seeds of Coffea arabica L., cultivar Catucaí amarelo IAC 62, which was subjected to different protocols regarding dehydration, precooling, cooling, rewarming and cathode water use. According to each protocol, the seeds were subjected to fast or slow drying to moisture contents of 17 or 20% (wet basis), cooled in different ways, and then immersed in liquid nitrogen for 24 hours. Different rewarming times in a water bath were also used. Physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural analyses were performed on the seeds after the cryopreservation steps. Moisture content at a 17% wb is the key factor for the cryopreservation of Coffea arabica L. seeds, which have better physiological quality and better preserved cell structures. Precooling of coffee seeds before immersion in liquid nitrogen does not provide advantages compared to direct immersion. The rewarming times tested (2, 4, and 6 minutes) and cathode water use did not cause changes in the physiological and biochemical quality or in the cell structures of Coffea arabica L. cryopreserved seeds. The pattern of cell structure observed in all seeds indicates that the damage from cryopreservation is less drastic in the cells of the embryos than in those of the endosperm, with the latter less tolerant to the stresses of dehydration, precooling, and rewarming.Item Identification of physiological analysis parameters associated with coffee beverage quality(Editora UFLA, 2020) Freitas, Marcella Nunes de; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Malta, Marcelo Ribeiro; Dias, Carlos Tadeu dos SantosThe demand for high-quality coffee among consumers has generated a great deal of interest among producers in serving this market. Parameters for physiological analyses that can be associated with aspects of sensory analyses of coffee can ensure more reliable results for coffee quality assessments. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of physiological analyses in determining coffee quality through multivariate analysis. Several samples from coffee bean/seed lots were placed in cold storage at 10 °C, after which the sensory quality, physiological quality, and chemical characteristics of the beans were evaluated before storage and after three and six months of storage. The variables of physiological quality in the coffee beans were correlated with sensory analysis parameters. The viability of coffee embryos revealed by the tetrazolium test results were positively correlated with the final sensory analysis score. There was a correlation of root dry matter, hypocotyl dry matter, potassium leaching, and electrical conductivity with the sensory attributes that comprise the final sensory analysis score for the coffee beans. Variation in the final sensory analysis score was explained up to 97.14% by the variables radical emergence (r2 = 2.27%), strong normal seedlings, (r2 = 0.56%), seedlings with expanded cotyledonary leaves (r2 = 0.53%), tetrazolium test results (r2 = 91.54%), and potassium leaching (r2 = 2.24%). More studies are required to enable the use of physiological analyses to complement sensory analysis.Item Tolerance of Coffea arabica L. seeds to sub zero temperatures(Editora UFLA, 2017-05) Coelho, Stefania Vilas Boas; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Figueiredo, Madeleine Alves de; Reis, Leandro VilelaPreservation of the quality of coffee seeds is hindered by their intermediate behavior in storage. However, long-term storage at sub zero temperatures may be achieved by adjusting the water content of the seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tolerance of coffee seeds to freezing, in relation to physiological and enzymatic modifications. Coffee seeds were dried in two manners, rapid and slow, to water contents of interest, 0.67, 0.43, 0.25, 0.18, 0.11, and 0.05 g H2O g-1 dw (dry basis). After drying, the seeds were stored at a temperature of -20 oC and of 86 oC for 24 hours and for 12 months, and then compared to seeds in cold storage at 10 oC. The seeds were evaluated through calculation of percentage of normal seedlings, percentage of seedlings with expanded cotyledonary leaves, dry matter of roots and of hypocotyls, and viability of embryos in the tetrazolium test. Expression of the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase were evaluated by means of electrophoretic analysis. Only seeds dried more slowly to 0.18 g H2O g-1 dw present relative tolerance to storing at -20 °C for 12 months. Coffee seeds do not tolerate storage at a temperature of -86 oC for 12 months. Water contents below 0.11g H2O g-1 dw and above 0.43 g H2O g-1 dw hurt the physiological quality of coffee seeds, regardless of the type of drying, temperature, and storage period. Coffee seed embryos are more tolerant to desiccation and to freezing compared to whole seeds, especially when the seeds are dried to 0.05 g H2O g-1 dw. The catalase enzyme can be used as a biochemical marker to study tolerance to freezing in coffee seeds.Item Alterações na coloração de grãos de café em função das operações pós-colheita(Editora UFLA, 2015-10) Abreu, Giselle Figueiredo de; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Malta, Marcelo Ribeiro; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Coelho, Luis Filipe Serafim; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco daA avaliação da cor de grãos de café torna-se importante uma vez que cafés com coloração atípica ou com diferentes níveis de branqueamento receberão menores preços no mercado. Além da desvalorização comercial, a alteração na cor é indicativos da ocorrência de processos oxidativos e alterações bioquímicas que podem modificar os precursores do sabor e aroma dos grãos, reduzindo a qualidade da bebida. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, avaliar as características de cor de grãos de café de diferentes qualidades, os quais foram processados e beneficiados por meio de diferentes métodos, e armazenados em diferentes condições. Frutos de Coffea arabica foram colhidos no estádio cereja e processados, por via úmida e por via seca. Os grãos foram secados até atingirem 11% de teor de água e submetidos a três formas de beneficiamento (manual, mecânico e sem beneficiamento) e a duas condições de armazenamento (10 oC e 50% de umidade relativa; e 25 oC sem controle de umidade relativa). Após o armazenamento por oito meses, os parâmetros de cor dos grãos e a qualidade fisiológica e sensorial foram avaliados. A intensidade das cores verde e azul e a luminância dos grãos de café são afetadas pelos métodos de processamento, beneficiamento e condições de armazenamento. Cafés despolpados apresentam coloração verde mais intensa, em comparação aos cafés naturais. O resfriamento do ar de armazenamento de grãos de café a 10oC propicia menores índices de luminância e da coordenada b, bem como melhor qualidade fisiológica.Item Operações pós-colheita e qualidade físico-química e sensorial de cafés(Editora UFLA, 2015-04) Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Cirillo, Marcelo Angelo; Malta, Marcelo Ribeiro; Caixeta, Franciele; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da;Os efeitos das operações pós-colheita de processamento e secagem e as condições de armazenamento são fatores relevantes a serem considerados para análise da qualidade do café. Dependendo das condições de processamento e secagem, os grãos de café podem sofrer alterações na composição físico-química, influenciando diretamente na qualidade de bebida e consequentemente na avaliação sensorial. Para análise dos resultados, usualmente são utilizadas técnicas de estatísticas univariadas, as quais poderão proporcionar interpretações incoerentes por não considerarem o efeito conjunto entre as variáveis físico-químicas e sensoriais. Assim, objetivou-se propor uma abordagem multivariada dos dados, por meio da combinação de técnicas de componentes principais e gráficos Multi-Vari Chart, que contemple os efeitos das variáveis físico-químicas e sensoriais junto às operações de pós-colheita, na avaliação da qualidade de grãos de cafés. Foram utilizados frutos de Coffea arabica L. cv. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 processados para a obtenção de café natural, desmucilado e despolpado. Após o processamento, os cafés foram secados à sombra, ao sol e em secadores mecânicos e foram armazenados por doze meses em câmara fria a 10oC e 50% UR, sendo avaliados a cada quatro meses. Conclui-se que a utilização da análise de componentes principais em conjunto com a técnica gráfica multivari-chart permite compreender os efeitos conjuntos do processamento, secagem e armazenamento sobre a qualidade química e sensorial do café, bem como suas correlações. Observam-se maiores reduções na pontuação final e maiores valores de condutividade elétrica, durante o armazenamento, nos cafés naturais secados em secador.