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    Selection for frost resistance in Coffea arabica progenies carrying C. liberica var. dewevrei genes
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2005) Petek, Marcos Rafael; Sera, Tumoru; Alteia, Marcos Zorzenon
    This research was carried out to estimate the variability and genetic parameters for the development of cultivars more frost resistant in Coffea arabica progenies, carrying C. liberica var. dewevrei genes. There is genetic variability for frost resistance in progenies with C. liberica var. dewevrei genes. The rust resistance, vegetative vigor and yield potential should be considered when developing cultivars adapted to frost occurrence areas. Cultivars with yield precocity such as IAPAR 59, that allows a faster recovery yield after a severe frost, minimizing the damage from the phenomenon. The use of index selection is efficient to select simultaneously progenies with greater frost adaptation, vegetative vigor, rust resistance and yield.
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    Resistance to bacterial halo blight in Arabica coffee lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2 under natural infection conditions
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2018) Andreazi, Elder; Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera, Tumoru; Fonseca, Inês Cristina de Batista; Shigueoka, Luciana Harumi; Santos, Willian Gabriel dos; Pereira, Carlos Theodoro Motta
    The aim of this study was to identify resistance to bacterial halo blight in Arabica coffee lines carrying Coffea racemosa genes. Eighteen Arabica coffee lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2, and the cultivars IAPAR 59 and IPR 99 were evaluated for resistance to bacterial halo blight in two trials carried out in field conditions, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. The cultivars Mundo Novo IAC 376-4 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 were included as susceptible controls. Ten lines and the cultivar IAPAR 59 showed resistance to bacterial halo blight. The cultivar IPR 99 presented intermediate reaction, and the controls were very susceptible. This is the first study to show that lines derivative from the genotype C1195-5-6-2, which has C. racemosa genes, could be a source of resistance to bacterial halo blight in coffee breeding programs.
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    Genotypic variability of rooting capacity in Coffea arabica L. cuttings
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2002) Sera, Tumoru; Fadelli, Sérgio
    Cutting propagation of coffee trees has been used for several years in Coffea canephora because of the advantages of this technique compared to seed propagation. Recently, the production of heterotic arabic coffee hybrid genotypes increased the importance of conventional and biotechnological cloning also for C. arabica. Two experiments were carried out to assess cutting rooting of several C. arabica genotypes. In greater detail, the potential of two types of cutting of several hybrid genotypes compared to C. canephora genotypes was investigated. The experiment was carried out under shading with automatic misting in boxes of partially burnt rice husks during the summer months. There is genetic variability for cutting rooting capacity among the C. arabica genotypes. The F1 hybrids tended to perform better than the lines. Single-node soft-wood cuttings were superior to the tip cuttings. Selection only for cutting rooting characteristics and useable cuttings resulted in efficient selection especially among single-node soft-wood cuttings. In spite of the large observed difference between the cutting production of C. arabica and C. canephora, in some cases C. arabica genotypes can be obtained with rooting performance very close that observed in C. canephora.
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    Coffee Genetic Breeding at IAPAR
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2001) Sera, Tumoru
    This paper introduces the coffee genetic breeding research program developed by IAPAR (Agronomic Institute of Paraná, Brazil) which started in 1973. The characteristics of a breeding program for a seed-propagated perennial plant with a biennial production and the difficulties in assessing yield and longevity due to the time limitations they impose on the development and release of commercial cultivars are presented. A concise diagnosis of the arabica coffee crop in the region and the cultivar management and developmental strategies and priorities within the “IAPAR Model for dense population coffee crop” are detailed. The advances in cultivar development and management, integrated with other technologies for the solution of main problems are discussed and, an array of alternative procedures, techniques, methods and strategies to reduce the coffee cultivar development time from 24 to 12 years are proposed.
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    Genetic polymorphism among 14 elite Coffea arabica L. cultivars using RAPD markers associated with restriction digestion
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2003) Sera, Tumoru; Ruas, Paulo Maurício; Ruas, Claudete de Fátima; Diniz, Leandro Eugênio Cardamone; Carvalho, Valdemar de Paula; Rampim, Leandro; Ruas, Eduardo Augusto; Silveira, Sheila Recepute da
    Knowledge of the genetic variability among genotypes is important for the transfer of useful genes and to maximize the use of available germplasm resources. This study was carried out to assess the genetic variability of 14 elite Coffea arabica cultivars using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) associated with a prior digestion of genomic DNA with restriction endonucleases. The accessions were obtained from the Coffea collection maintained at the Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR), located in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Twenty-four informative RAPD primers, used in association with restriction enzymes, yielded 330 reproducible and scorable DNA bands, of which 224 (68%) were polymorphic. The amplified products were used to estimate the genetic variability using Dice’s similarity coefficient. The data matrix was converted to a dendrogram and a three-dimensional plot using principal coordinate analysis. The accessions studied were separated into clusters in a manner that was consistent with the known pedigree. The associations obtained in the dendrogram and in the principal coordinate analysis plot suggest the probable origin of the Kattimor cultivar. The RAPD technique associated with restriction digestion was proved to be a useful tool for genetic characterization of C. arabica genotypes making an important contribution to the application of molecular markers to coffee breeding.
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    Genetic relationship in Coffea species and parentage determination of interspecific hybrids using ISSR (Inter- Simple Sequence Repeat) markers
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2003) Ruas, Paulo M.; Ruas, Claudete F.; Rampim, Leandro; Carvalho, Valdemar P.; Ruas, Eduardo A.; Sera, Tumoru
    Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to evaluate genetic divergence among eight Coffea species and to identify the parentage of six interspecific hybrids. A total of 14 primers which contained different simple sequence repeats (SSR) were used as single primers or combined in pairs and tested for PCR amplifications. Two hundred and thirty highly reproducible fragments were amplified, which were then used to estimate the genetic similarity and to cluster the Coffea species and hybrids. High levels of interspecific genetic variation were revealed. The dinucleotide motif (GA)9T combined with other di- tri- and tetra-nucleotides produced a greater number of DNA fragments, mostly polymorphics, suggesting a high frequency of the poly GA microsatellite motifs in the Coffea genomes. The genetic similarity ranged from 0.25 between C. racemosa and C. liberica var. dewevrei to 0.86 between C. arabica var. arabica and Hybrid N. 2. The C. arabica species shared most of its markers with five of the six hybrids suggesting that it is the most likely candidate as one of the progenitors of those hybrids. These results revealed that ISSR markers could be efficiently used for genetic differentiation of the Coffea species and to identify the parentage of Coffea interspecific hybrids.
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    Assessment of genetic variability within and among coffee progenies and cultivars using RAPD markers
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2003) Silveira, Sheila Recepute; Ruas, Paulo Maurício; Ruas, Claudete de Fátima; Sera, Tumoru; Carvalho, Valdemar de Paula; Coelho, Alexandre Siqueira Guedes
    The RAPD technique associated with restriction digestion of genomic DNA was used to assess the genetic variability within and among nine populations of Coffea arabica, including six progenies belonging to the Sarchimor germplasm, the progeny PR 77054-40-10 (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 x Icatu), and two commercial cultivars (IAPAR 59 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC-81). These populations were evaluated using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), genetic similarity among progenies, and percentage of polymorphic loci. A total of 99 RAPD markers were evaluated of which 67 (67.67%) were polymorphic. AMOVA showed that 38.5% and 61.5% of the genetic variation was distributed among and within populations, respectively. The fixation index (FST) of the genotypes was 0.385. The mean genetic variability estimated within populations ranged from 15.58 (IAPAR 59) to 8.27 (Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81). A distinct level of genetic variability was revealed for each of the coffee progenies and varieties studied. The methodology used in this investigation was useful to determine the genetic variability within and among C. arabica L. populations providing significant information for coffee breeding.
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    IPR 106: new Arabica coffee cultivar, resistant to some Meloidogyne paranaensis and M. incognita nematode populations of Paraná
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2020) Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Machado, Andressa Cristina Zamboni; Ito, Dhalton Shiguer; Shigueoka, Luciana Harumi; Silva, Santino Aleandro da; Sera, Tumoru
    Cultivar IPR 106 resulted from a spontaneous hybridization between “Icatu IAC 925” and an unknow dwarf plant. It is a dwarf cultivar with high rusticity, late ripening cycle, large grains, excellent cup quality and resistance to some populations of the nematodes Meloidogyne paranaensis and M. incognita found in the state of Paraná.
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    Associação de Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae com algumas características agronômicas em cafeeiros F2 segregantes para o gene erecta
    (Editora UFLA, 2004-09) Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera, Tumoru; Altéia, Marcos Zorzenom; Androcioli Filho, Armando; Azevedo, José Alves de; Petek, Marcos Rafael; Ito, Dhalton Shiguer
    A bacteriose causada pela Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae provoca grandes prejuízos em algumas regiões da cafei- cultura brasileira, como Paraná, São Paulo e Minas Gerais, principalmente em lavouras novas, podadas e expostas ao vento. Com este trabalho, objetivou-se estudar nas plantas F 2 do cruzamento entre os genótipos IAPAR-59 e Catuaí Erecta a associação entre as características vigor vegetativo e ângulos de inserção das ramificações plagiotrópicas sobre a intensidade de ocorrência da bacteriose. Avaliaram-se, em outubro de 2001, 316 plantas F 2 plantadas no IAPAR de Londrina em outubro de 1998. A escala de notas de avaliação da incidência de bacteriose adotada foi de 1 a 5, sendo 1 = plantas sem lesão e 5 = plantas com muitas lesões. As notas de vigor vegetativo adotadas foram de 1 a 5, sendo 1 para folhas de coloração verde-claras e 5 para folhas verde- escuras. Para a inserção dos ramos plagiotrópicos sobre os ortotrópicos, as notas variaram de 1 a 3, sendo 1 = normal (45 a 70o), 2 = semi-ereta (25 a 40o) e 3 = ereta (5 a 20o). Estimou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para verificar a associação entre as características vigor vegetativo e do ângulo de inserção das ramificações plagiotrópicas com a intensidade de ocorrência da bacteriose nos cafeeiros. A correlação estimada entre a intensidade da bacteriose com o ângulo de inserção dos ramos plagiotrópicos foi de r = + 0,2087**. Não houve correlação significativa entre a bacteriose e o vigor vegetativo. Assim, plantas com ramificação plagiotrópica ereta são predispostas a uma maior incidência de bacteriose.
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    Genetic diversity among forty coffee varieties assessed by rapd markers associated with restriction digestion
    (Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar, 2005-07) Diniz, Leandro Eugênio Cardamoni; Ruas, Claudete de Fátima; Carvalho, Valdemar de Paula; Torres, Fabrício Medeiros; Ruas, Eduardo Augusto; Santos, Melissa de Oliveira; Sera, Tumoru; Ruas, Paulo Maurício
    The genetic variability of 40 accessions of C. arabica was evaluated using a combination of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique and restriction digestion of genomic DNA. The genetic variability and the relatedness among all accessions were initially evaluated using 195 RAPD primers which revealed a very low level of genetic variation. To improve the efficiency in the detection of polymorphism, the genomic DNA of all accessions were submitted to digestion with restriction endonucleases prior to PCR amplification. A total of 24 primers combined with restriction digestion of DNA rendered 318 bands, of which 266 (83.65%) were polymorphic. The associations among genotypes were estimated using UPGMA-clustering analysis. The accessions were properly clustered according to pedigree and agronomic features. The ability to distinguish among coffee accessions was greater for RAPD plus restriction digestion than for RAPD alone, providing evidences that the combination of the techniques was very efficient for the estimation of genetic relationship among C. arabica genotypes.