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    Occupational noise level emitted by self-propelled harvesters during mechanized coffee harvesting
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022-08-29) Martins, Kleber Moreira; Sabino, Paulo Henrique de Siqueira; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Oliveira Júnior, Geraldo Gomes de; Ramirio, Lucas Deleon
    This study evaluated the level of occupational noise emitted by automotive harvesters during coffee harvest. For the evaluations, three self-propelled harvesters were used: Case-IH® model Coffee Express 200, with cabin; Korvan® model 9200, without cabin; and Oxbo® model 9220, with cabin. Data were collected using a noise dosimeter model DOS-700. Noise levels were assessed for the operator and assistant of each harvester. Five repetitions were performed for the operator and assistant, with each repetition consisting of 2 h of evaluation. Results obtained were compared with the action level and exposure limit of the Regulatory Norms (NR) 15 and Occupational Hygiene Norms (NHO) 01. The action levels of the NHO 01 (82 dB) and NR 15 (80 dB) regulations were exceeded for the operator and assistant in the three evaluated harvesters. Regarding the exposure limit (85 dB), the level was exceeded for the operator of the Korvan® and Case-IH® harvesters in accordance with NHO 01. In the NR 15 regulation, the exposure limit was > 85 dB for the operator of the Korvan® harvester. For the assistant, all harvesters emitted noise levels > 85 dB based on both the NHO 01 and NR 15 regulations.
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    Workers’ exposure to occupational heat during manual coffee harvesting
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2021) Ramirio, Lucas Deleon; Sabino, Paulo Henrique de Siqueira; Oliveira Júnior, Geraldo Gomes de; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da
    This study evaluated the occupational exposure of workers to heat during manual harvesting of coffee. The case study was conducted between May to August. Occupational heat in coffee plantations was evaluated using the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) method and the metabolic rate. The WBGT was obtained using the TGD 400 thermal stress meter. The determined WBGT values were compared to two standards: the Occupational Hygiene Standard (NHO) 06 and Regulatory Norm (NR) 09. For acclimatized workers, the exposure limit was not exceeded at any time during the evaluated period. Fornon-acclimatized workers, the exposure limit was not exceeded only in July.
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    Soil attributes and coffee yield in an agroforestry system
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Jácome, Máximo Gerardo Ochoa; Mantovani, José Ricardo; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Rezende, Tiago Teruel; Landgraf, Paulo Roberto Côrrea
    Coffee growing in an agroforestry system may provide improvements in soil chemical and physical attributes, increase crop yield and diversify production. However, there are few studies on coffee growing intercropped with high quality wood-producing species such as African mahogany, teak and Australian cedar. The objective of this study was to evaluate, in an agroforestry system, the effect of coffee intercropping with tree species and the density of these species on chemical and physical soil attributes and on coffee yield. The experiment was carried out in Santo Antônio do Amparo, MG, and Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 coffee was used in a 3.4x0.7m spacing. A randomized block design with split plots was used, with one additional treatment and 4 replications. The treatments consisted, in the plot, of three tree forest species: Australian cedar, teak and African mahogany, used intercropped with coffee; and, in the subplots, two densities of these forest species: 82 plants ha-1 (13.6 m between rows and 9 m between plants) and 41 plants ha-1 (13.6 m between rows and 18 m between plants). The additional treatment consisted of conventional coffee cultivation growing without intercropping with the tree species. At 64 months after the experiment was set, when the forest species were still under development, soil samples were taken at a depth of 0 to 0.1 m to determine the following chemical attributes: pH in H2O, potential acidity, organic matter content, P-Mehlich, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and base saturation (V%); and physical soil attributes: bulk density, macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity. Soil temperature at 0.05 m depth and coffee yield were also evaluated. Chemical and physical attributes, besides soil temperature, are similarly influenced with the cultivation of Australian cedar, teak and African mahogany, intercropped with coffee, in both densities, 82 and 41 plants ha-1, after 5 years of implementation of the agroforestry system. Coffee cultivation in agroforestry system with Australian cedar, teak and African mahogany increases the organic matter and P content of the soil, but acidifies the soil and does not influence its physical attributes. The agroforestry system with teak and African mahogany increases coffee yield.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Calogênese in vitro em anteras de Coffea arabica L.
    (Editora UFLA, 2004-07) Palú, Ednamar Gabriela; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Pasqual, Moacir
    O café é um dos mais importantes produtos do mercado internacional; porém, o tempo gasto e os recursos despendi- dos são fatores limitantes para o melhoramento do cafeeiro por meio de métodos convencionais. Contudo, a cultura de anteras surge como uma alternativa viável e de curto prazo para solução desses problemas. Com o presente trabalho, objetivou-se a produção de dihaplóides com a cultura de anteras do cafeeiro (androgênese indireta), buscando um protocolo para a fase de indução de calos. Para tanto, foi efetuada a assepsia dos botões florais e das anteras, que, em seguida, foram inoculadas em meio IC e mantidas no escuro por 8 semanas, sob temperatura de 25 o C ± 1. Para induzir a calogênese em anteras da cv. Acaiá Cerrado, foram testadas as concentrações de 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 e 4 mg.L -1 ) x cinetina (0, 2, 4 e 8 mg.L -1 ) e 2,4-D (0; 0,5; 1 e 2 mg.L -1 ) x AIB (0; 0,5; 1 e 2 mg.L -1 ) mais 2iP (2 mg.L -1 ) e, para a cv. Rubi, as concentrações de 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 e 4 mg.L -1 ) x cinetina (0, 2, 4 e 8 mg.L -1 ). Foi observado que a maior porcentagem de indução de calogênese em anteras na cv. Acaiá Cerrado ocorre com as combinações de 2,4-D (2 mg.L -1 ) + cinetina (1,9 mg.L -1 ) e 2,4-D (0,86 mg.L -1 ) + AIB (1 mg.L -1 )+ 2iP (2 mg.L -1 ); para cv. Rubi, a combinação de 2,4-D (1,9 mg.L -1 ) e cinetina (4 mg.L -1 ).
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Embriogênese somática indireta em explantes foliares de Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã
    (Editora UFLA, 2003-01) Maciel, Anna Lygia de Rezende; Pasqual, Moacir; Pereira, Alba Regina; Rezende, Juliana Costa de; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Dutra, Leonardo Ferreira
    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, estudar a embriogênese somática indireta em Coffea arabica L. cv. Obatã, incluindo as etapas de indução de calos, diferenciação, regeneração e formação de embriões. Segmentos foliares retirados de plantas em condições de campo foram desinfestados com álcool 70% por 1 e hipoclorito de sódio 1% durante 15 e inoculados em meio IC (indução de calos) suplementado de 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 e 4 mg.L -1) e Cinetina (0, 2, 4 e 8 mg.L -1). Posteriormente, os calos foram transferidos para o meio DC (diferenciação de calos), adicionado de diferentes concentrações de 2,4-D (0, 1, 2 e 4 mg.L -1) e BAP (0, 2, 4 e 8 mg.L -1); em seguida, durante a etapa de regeneração, os calos embriogênicos friáveis foram inoculados em meio R suplementado de BAP (0, 2, 4 e 6 mg.L -1 ) e sacarose (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60 g.L -1). Os meios de cultura utilizados tiveram pH ajustado para 5,6 1 antes de serem autoclavados. Os experimentos foram mantidos em sala de crescimento a 26 1 0 C. Durante as etapas de indução e diferenciação de calos, os experimentos ficaram em condições de obscuridade, e na etapa de regeneração, os experimentos foram mantidos sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas e intensidade luminosa de 35 mol.m -2 .s -1 . Concluiu-se que a combinação entre 4 mg.L -1 de 2,4-D e 2 mg.L -1 de cinetina favoreceu a indução de calos primá- rios mistos. Maior freqüência de calos embriogênicos friáveis ocorreu na presença de BAP (8 mg.L -1), associado ou não ao 2,4-D, e maior número de embriões por explante foram obtidos quando utilizou-se sacarose (30 g.L -1 ) e BAP (3 mg.L -1).
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    The influence of peeling and type of drying on chemical and sensorial analysis of organic coffee
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 2014-04) Fernandes, Maria de Fátima Caixeta; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Oliveira, Nelma de Mello Silva; Miranda, José Messias
    Organic coffee is characterized by being produced without the use of chemical products and by having a similar or superior quality in comparison to that of coffee produced by traditional methods. The production of organic coffee does not include the use of highly soluble nutrients, which makes consumers concerned with environmental issues and healthy eating habits realize its true value. This paper aims to analyze the influence of harvesting, peeling and drying on the quality of organic coffee, in order to present the best way of producing high quality coffee. Samples of organic coffee were harvested by both conventional and selective ways, and some were peeled. They were then dried on concrete patio and on suspended terraces. The beans were analyzed for potassium leaching, electrical conductivity, titratable acidity, and submitted to coffee cupping-test. The results obtained indicated that the selective harvesting of the peeled or unpeeled cherry coffee dried on concrete terrace is feasible for production of fine coffees. This type of processing effectively influenced the final quality of the organic coffee, thus being an alternative to improve the quality and market value of the product, especially for small producers, cooperatives, and associations of coffee producers.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Occupational exposure to localized vibrations using portable mechanical brush cutter in coffee crop
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-04) Oliveira Júnior, Geraldo Gomes de; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Cunha, Irlon de Ângelo da; Aparecido, Lucas Eduardo de Oliveira; Sabino, Paulo Henrique de Siqueira
    The use of portable brush cutter may expose workers to localized vibrations, from the transfer of mechanical vibration of the tool to the operator’s hands and arms. With this in mind, the objective in this study was to quantify the levels of occupational vibration transmitted to the hands and arms of the portable brush cutter operators under routine working conditions in the coffee crop. The vibration levels transmitted to the operator’s hands were measured during activity with portable brush cutters. The experimental design was completely randomized (CRD) in a factorial scheme (2 x 2) combined with two types of grip (Circular cable (CC) and double grip handle (DGH) with two types of tip cutting blades (2TB and 3TB). The data acquisition occurred from the use of the vibration meter SV 103, SVANTEK with triaxial accelerometer, installed on each of the worker’s hand at the contact point with the tool. The results demonstrated that the 2.5 ms -2 action level determined by NR 09 and NHO 10 was exceeded under all conditions of the present study. The highest accelerations were quantified in the operation of the brush cutter equipment with CC, reaching the daily exposure limit of 5 ms -2 allowed for an 8-hour of working day. The resulting acceleration of the DGH equipment was on average 37.45% lower than the operation with the CC equipment. The results bring indicatives of occupational advantages in the selection of these types of accessories for brush cutters, in order to mitigate the effects of exposure to HAV in extended use situations.
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    Growth and physiological response of coffee seedlings ruela, treated with fungicides
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-04) Ruela, Viviane Maria; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Veiga, André Delly; Souza, Thiago Corrêa de; Marques, Daniele Maria; Costa, Carlos Emanuel de Melo; Rezende, Tiago Teruel
    Research has shown that, in addition to the fungicidal action already known, strobilurins have positive physiological effects on the yield of some crops. Boscalid has also shown positive effects on plants, applied together or associated with strobilurin. The objective in this study was to evaluate the effect of fungicide application on growth and physiological behavior of coffee seedlings. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with five replicates. There were five treatments: T1-Control, T2-Boscalid, T3-Pyraclostrobin, T4- Boscalid+ Pyraclostrobin and T5- Azoxystrobin applied in coffee seedlings. The application was at the “orelha de onça” stage (two round-shaped leaves), repeated every 15 days, counting 5 applications in total. Were evaluated shoot length, root length, stem diameter, shoot and root fresh matter, shoot and root dry matter, leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, transpiration, intercellular CO2 concentration, water use efficiency and carboxylation efficiency. The application of fungicides promotes greater vegetative growth of coffee seedlings due to increased CO2 assimilation rate, reduced transpiration rates and increased water use efficiency, associated to the increased levels of auxin and cytokinins in leaves.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Applications of copper-based fungicides and infestations of Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville & Perrottet) in coffee plants
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-01) Sabino, Paulo Henrique de Siqueira; Silva, Gian Otávio Alves da; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Carvalho, Geraldo Andrade
    The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of applying fungicides with different sources of copper and of the number of applications on the occurrence of Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Menéville & Perrottet, 1842) (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) and on the wax content on leaves in a coffee plantation. Four applications of fungicides were carried out, and the effects on the number of leaves mined by the insect and on the wax content on the leaf surface were evaluated. The copper- based fungicides increased the number of leaves mined by the leaf-miner and reduced the wax content on the coffee leaf surfaces in both periods studied.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Occupational noise level in mechanized and semimecanized harvest of coffee fruits
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-10) Silva, José Antonio Ramos da; Oliveira Júnior, Geraldo Gomes de; Costa, Carlos Emanuel de Melo; Silva, Adriano Bortolotti da; Gabriel, Camila Pires Cremasco; Putti, Fernando Ferrari
    Coffee cultivation has undergone significant changes, especially with regard to the mechanization process of the various existing operations that were previously carried out manually by the workers. It is observed that the intensification of mechanized activities can expose workers to noise levels capable of compromising their hearing health. In this sense, the objective in the present study was to determine the level of occupational noise in the activities of mechanized and semi- mechanized harvesting of coffee fruits and compare them with the limits of tolerance of the current legislation. The occupational noise level was determined considering the exposure of homogeneous groups, using an integrative meter for personal use, noise dosimeter, electromechanically calibrated and with field calibration. The results demonstrate that the noise levels found are above the limits allowed for an 8-hour working day. The highest observed level was 100.7 dB (A) in the sweeping operation with the blower equipment and the lowest level 89.0 dB (A) in the auxiliary activity of the selected collection equipment Vicon H3000. Harvesting activity with a portable mechanical stripper equipment showed a noise level 4.2% higher compared to harvesting with automotive harvester equipment.