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    Métodos multivariados na avaliação dos atributos físicos do solo na cafeicultura irrigada
    (Revista Engenharia na Agricultura, 2011-04-04) Cortez, Jorge Wilson; Fernandes, André Luis Teixeira; Silva, Rouverson Pereira da; Carvalho Filho, Alberto; Furlani, Carlos Eduardo Angeli
    Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o efeito de sistemas de irrigação (pivô central, tubos perfurados a laser, gotejamento, aspersão em malha e testemunha) nos atributos físicos do solo (teor de água, massa específica, porosidade total e resistência à penetração), em área de cafeicultura do município de Uberaba – MG, por meio de métodos multivariados. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Escola da Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE). A área, onde foi realizada a amostragem para determinação dos atributos físicos do solo, nas profundidades de 0-10; 10-20 e 20-30 cm, foi dividida pelos sistemas de irrigação. Os métodos multivariados utilizados foram a análise de agrupamento hierárquica e de componentes principais. Pela análise de agrupamento, verificou-se que os sistemas de irrigação por pivô central e por gotejamento formaram um grupo distinto, enquanto os sistemas por aspersão em malha, testemunha e por tubos perfurados a laser ficaram separados, individualmente. A testemunha foi praticamente similar ao método de irrigação por tubos perfurados a laser. Na análise de componentes principais, foi possível verificar que 73,2 % das informações concentraram-se nos componentes principais um e dois. Portanto, os dados dos atributos físicos do solo (teor de água, massa específica, porosidade total e resistência à penetração do solo), que refletem o efeito dos sistemas de irrigação, estão concentrados, principalmente, na camada de 10 a 20 cm.
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    Nutritional characteristics of conilon coffee genotypes grown in transition altitude with water management in soil
    (Editora UFLA, 2021-10-27) Salles, Rodrigo Amaro de; Jordaim, Renan Baptista; Colodetti, Tafarel Victor; Rodrigues, Wagner Nunes; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira do; Tomaz, Marcelo Antonio
    The modification of water management in the Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) crop is a possible strategy to improve nutritional management efficiency and ensure better use of the genotypes for regions of transitional altitude. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of 27 genotypes of C. canephora and submit them to two water management schemes in soil. The goal was to find evidence of higher leaf contents, exports, and nutrient recycling potential in the productive branches of various genotypes. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with three replications in a split-plot scheme. The treatment consisted of 27 genotypes of C. canephora and two water management schemes in soil (“Irrigated” and “Rainfed”). Nutritional content in leaves, exported by fruits, and pruned (leaves and stem of plagiotropic branches) recyclable contents were evaluated for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Variations were observed among genotypes for all the parameters evaluated in both water management in soil. However, significant homogeneous groups were formed among the genotypes in the irrigated management. Furthermore, the genotypes showed distinct nutritional characteristics in response to water management in the soil. Genotypes 108 and 302 had higher nutritional content and were exported by fruits, regardless of soil water management.
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    Different nitrogen levels on vegetative growth and yield of conilon coffee (Coffea canephora)
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022-05-11) Busato, Camilo; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Oliveira, Marcos Góes; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Busato, Cristiani Campos Martins; Partelli, Fábio Luiz
    The determination of nitrogen in plants by techniques that allow a fast diagnosis, based on plant growth characteristics, can be a useful tool for the nutritional management of coffee plants. Thus, this study evaluated growth and yield characteristics of irrigated conilon coffee in response to different nitrogen levels, resulting in the determination of the minimum N levels required to achieve the maximum yield, here called critical levels. The experiment was carried out in Colatina, Espirito Santo, Brazil, on plantations of conilon coffee, clonal variety Emcapa 8111, genotype 02. Six nitrogen levels were applied (0, 110, 220, 440, 880 and 1320 kg N ha-1) and the response in growth and yield characteristics periodically evaluated. There was a positive effect of the increasing N levels on yield, in that the N levels that provided 95% of the maximum yield (137.4 bags ha-1 and 108.5 bags ha-1) in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 growing seasons, respectively, were 420.7 and 543.1 kg N ha-1. There was also a positive effect of N levels on the growth characteristics and nitrogen contents, indicating their use as tools for a rapid nutritional diagnosis, with a view to optimizing the nitrogen management in Conilon coffee.
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    Bayesian modeling of the coffee tree growth curve
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022-03-14) Pereira, Adriele Aparecida; Silva, Edilson Marcelino; Fernandes, Tales Jesus; Morais, Augusto Ramalho de; Sáfadi, Thelma; Muniz, Joel Augusto
    When modeling growth curves, it should be considered that longitudinal data may show residual autocorrelation, and, if this characteristic is not considered, the results and inferences may be compromised. The Bayesian approach, which considers priori information about studied phenomenon has been shown to be efficient in estimating parameters. However, as it is generally not possible to obtain marginal distributions analytically, it is necessary to use some method, such as the weighted resampling method, to generate samples of these distributions and thus obtain an approximation. Among the advantages of this method, stand out the generation of independent samples and the fact that it is not necessary to evaluate convergence. In this context, the objective of this work research was: to present the Bayesian nonlinear modeling of the coffee tree height growth, irrigated and non-irrigated (NI), considering the residual autocorrelation and the nonlinear Logistic, Brody, von Bertalanffy and Richard models. Among the results, it was found that, for NI plants, the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) and the Criterion of density Predictive Ordered (CPO), indicated that, among the evaluated models, the Logistic model is the one that best describes the height growth of the coffee tree over time. For irrigated plants, these same criteria indicated the Brody model. Thus, the growth of the non-irrigated and irrigated coffee tree followed different growth patterns, the height of the non-irrigated coffee tree showed sigmoidal growth with maximum growth rate at 726 days after planting and the irrigated coffee tree starts its development with high growth rates that gradually decrease over time.
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    Use of organic fertilization with irrigation in coffee production in brazilian cerrado
    (Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas, 2020) Fernandes, André Luís Teixeira; Fraga Júnior, Eusímio Felisbino; Santana, Márcio José de; Silva, Reginaldo de Oliveira; Dias, Marcelo Moreira
    Coffee irrigation has increased in the main Brazilian coffee regions. However, in recent years, with climate change, years with water deficits greater than 150 mm have been observed, affecting the vegetative and productive development of the crop and also the replenishment of surface and underground springs. One practice that increases soil water retention capacity is organic fertilization. This work evaluated different combinations of irrigation and organic fertilization on the yield and quality of coffee produced in the Minas Gerais cerrado region. The treatments were: T1: total irrigation; T2: no irrigation; T3: total irrigation + organic fertilization (chicken manure, 10 ton ha-1); T4: no irrigation + organic fertilization (chicken manure, 10 ton ha-1); T5: 50% irrigation + organic fertilization (chicken manure, 10 ton ha-1). After 7 harvests, it was concluded that the treatment that combined organic fertilization with application of half of the necessary irrigation presented the best yield, superior to the treatment with total irrigation and exclusively mineral nutrition.
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    Irrigation and light acess effects on Coffea arabica L. leaves by FTIR-chemometric analysis
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2018) Sanchez, Patrícia M.; Pauli, Elis D.; Scheel, Guilherme L.; Rakocevic, Miroslava; Brunsc, Roy E.; Scarminio, Ieda S.
    Coffee bean chemical compositions has been extensively studied. However, there is a small amount of research on other parts of the coffee plant, including leaves. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectral profiles of Coffea arabica L. cv. IAPAR 59 leaf extracts from a simplex-centroid design were studied by principal component analysis (PCA) to evaluate the effect of solvente extractor on its metabolites. PCA indicated that the extractor solvents containing ethanol were the most suitable for this study. FTIR spectra in conjunction with orthogonal signal correction and partial least squares-discrimination analysis (OSC-PLS-DA) were used to classify and discriminate the leaves of irrigated and non-irrigated plants by bands related to carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids. Leaves receiving different intensities of solar radiation were also discriminated by bands corresponding to caffeine, carbohydrates and lipids. FTIR spectral profile analyzed with chemometric tools showed to be a useful, powerful and simple procedure to discriminate coffee leaves collected from different microclimate conditions.
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    Probable rainfall contribution to coffee water demand in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state, Brazil
    (Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA), 2015) Ribeiro, Bruno Teixeira; Silva, Cláudio Ricardo da
    The occurrence, distribution of rainfall and the knowledge of crop water demand are essentials to irrigation planning. Thus, the determination of probable rainfall can contribute substantially to suitable irrigation projects. This work aimed to determine the probable rainfall for Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, in order to evaluate its contribution to coffee water demand. Daily precipitation data from 1975 to 2010 were summed in a 30-day period (monthly) and applied to Gamma distribution. The probable rainfall was estimated to different probability levels (%): 40, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, and 95. With 75% of probability of exceedance (considered suitable to irrigation purposes) the probable rainfall in Uberlândia overcomes the coffee evapotranspiration only in December and January, suggesting a supplementary irrigation for vegetative growth and fructification periods (from October to April-May). During the entire dry-season the probable rainfall does not overcome the coffee evapotranspiration.
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    Flowering percentage in arabica coffee crops depends on the water deficit level applied during the pre-flowering stage
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2020) Ronchi, Cláudio Pagotto; Miranda, Felipe Rodrigues
    Nonuniform flowering leads to uneven ripening of fruits, which impairs harvesting efficiency and the quality of the coffee. The aim of this study was to determine the water deficit level required to break flower bud dormancy of Coffea arabica and to evaluate its effects on gas exchange, photosynthetic pigment levels, coffee yield, and fruit maturation. After a growth period of 18 months in 200 L pots maintained under greenhouse conditions, water deficit treatments were imposed by withholding watering from plants exhibiting at least a 60% rate of “E4 stage” flower buds. When five groups of six coffee plants reached the pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψwpd) of -0.04, -0.65, -1.43, -1.96, and -2.82 MPa, the leaf gas exchange was measured and leaf disks were collected to quantify the photosynthetic pigment levels, after which, watering was resumed. The rate of opened flowers increased with the reduction of pd based on the mathematical model, Y = 67.064 + 20.660 x ln(-Ψwpd). The leaf gas exchange was strongly affected by water deficit levels, without any alterations in the photosynthetic pigment levels. Coffee yield was not affected by the treatments but the ripe stages of cherries increased slightly with the reduction in Ψwpd. The water deficit level applied at the pre-flowering stage determined the percentage of flowering in C. arabica.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    A moderna cafeicultura dos cerrados brasileiros
    (Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2012) Fernandes, André Luís Teixeira; Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Bonomo, Robson; Golynski, Adelmo
    A cafeicultura brasileira apresenta grande importância na geração de empregos, recursos e divisas, sendo bastante diversificada, com particularidades regionais. O Cerrado brasileiro abrange mais de 200 milhões de hectares, distribuídos nos Estados de Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Tocantins, Bahia, Piauí, Maranhão e Distrito Federal, e tem se destacado com produção superior a 5 milhões de sacas por ano, principalmente de Coffea arabica L. A cafeicultura, nesta região, é caracterizada por apresentar produtividade acima da média nacional e utilizar, de maneira mais eficiente, insumos agrícolas, irrigação, genótipos apropriados e mecanização, dentre outras práticas. A cafeicultura irrigada ocupa, no Brasil, 240.000 ha, estando a maioria desta área localizada em regiões de Cerrado, representando mais de 10% da área e mais de 25% da produção de café total no País. Os sistemas de irrigação mais utilizados são os de aspersão (convencional, em malha e pivô central) e os localizados (gotejamento e modificados). O clima é favorável à qualidade do café, pois, na época da colheita, ocorrem condições de baixa umidade relativa do ar, sendo as chuvas concentradas no verão. Verifica-se, também, nas áreas de Cerrado, maior quantidade de insolação, principalmente nos meses de outono e inverno, também favorável à produtividade e qualidade. As variedades mais plantadas são do grupo Catuaí e Mundo Novo, tendo sido, também, introduzidos outros materiais promissores, com relação à produtividade e resistência à seca e a doenças.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Arabica coffee cultivars in different water regimes in the central cerrado region
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-07) Veiga, Adriano Delly; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Rocha, Omar Cruz; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Guerra, Antônio Fernando; Silva, Thiago Paulo da
    Phenotypic characterization of coffee cultivars under an irrigation system, as well as adaptability to controlled water stress, aiming at flowering uniformity, high yield and grain quality, plays an important role in coffee production in the cerrado areas. A field trial was carried out aiming to evaluate the agronomic performance of arabica coffee cultivars under different water regimes, using center pivot irrigation: irrigation throughout the year (WR1); suspended at the end of June for 40 days until leaf water potential reached -1.5 MPa (WR2); suspended at the end of June for 70 days until leaf water potential reached -2.3 MPa (WR3); suspended at the end of June for 100 days until leaf water potential reached -3.4 MPa (WR4); and a non-irrigated regime (WR5). The following traits were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, canopy projection, number of plagiotropic branches, coffee grain yield, percentage of fruit in the cherry stage, and sieve retention percentages. Higher yield, plant growth, and percentage of fruit in the cherry stage are observed in the water regime with seventy days of controlled water stress (WR3). The Obatã IAC 1669-20 cultivar exhibits high yield and plant growth values in an irrigated system, and Catuaí Amarelo IAC 86 stands out in the non-irrigated system. For these genotypes, the coffee grain yield is most highly correlated with number of reproductive branches.