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    Technological and nutritional aspects of dark chocolate with added coffee husk flour
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2024-07-19) Borges, Marília Viana; Leite, Cristina Xavier dos Santos; Santos, Ingrid Alves; Leão, Danilo Junqueira; Ferrão, Sibelli Passini Barbosa; Santos, Leandro Soares; Lima, Amanda Beatriz Sales de; Wobeto, Carmen; Lannes, Suzana Caetano da Silva; Silva, Marcondes Viana da
    The objective of this work was to produce dark chocolates with the addition of coffee husk flour (CHF) and to evaluate the generated effects on their physical, physicochemical, microbiological, textural, and rheological characteristics. Husks of the Pacamara coffee (Coffea arabica) variety, produced under organic management, were used. The samples were previously dried, ground, and sieved at 0.250 mm. Five chocolate formulations were previously standardized at 55% content of cocoa solids (mass and cocoa butter) and at 0.4% soy lecithin. The addition of CHF was tested at the concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10%, using a completely randomized design and three replicates. The addition of CHF up to 10% alters the physicochemical, textural, and rheological properties of the chocolate formulations, but without compromising their composition and quality. The tested formulations only differed regarding hardness and cohesiveness, evaluated in the texture profile. The hardness of the chocolate formulations increases as CHF is added.
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    Potential of coffee straw biochal as a substrate conditioner in seed lettuce and sorghum germination and vigorit
    (Instituto Internacional de Ecologia, 2023) Alixandre, R. D.; Lima, P. A. M.; Almeida, T. F. R.; Oliveira, J. S.; Pereira, M. B.; Alixandre, F. T.; Jacomino, G. R. L.; Dias, R. S.; Alexandre, R. S.; Ferreira, A.; Passos, R. R.; Lopes, J. C.
    The use of residues from coffee production to obtain biochar is a sustainable approach, which aims to minimize the environmental impact of these materials. In this study, the effect of adding coffee straw biochar on the physiological quality of lettuce and sorghum seeds was investigated. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the effect of adding different concentrations of coffee biochar in the substrate composition on the physiological quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) seeds. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with five concentrations of biochar (0; 7.5; 15; 30 and 60%), conducted with four replications of 25 seeds. The use of biochar in the concentrations studied does not provide an increase in the average germination percentage and vigor of lettuce and sorghum seeds. The increase in the concentration of biochar caused less seed vigor, suggesting a toxic effect. For seed germination, there was no significant difference between lettuce and sorghum species, regardless of treatment. For the germination speed index, sorghum seeds have higher means, except for the treatment with the addition of 15% coffee straw biochar. Lettuce seeds have higher shoot length averages, except for treatment with 100% commercial substrate. The sorghum seeds have higher mean root length and dry mass than lettuce, regardless of the treatment
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    Coffee industry waste-derived biochar: characterization and agricultural use evaluation according to Brazilian legislation
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2021-09-13) Carnier, Ruan; Coscione, Aline Renee; Delaqua, Douglas; Abreu, Cleide Aparecida de
    The agricultural use of biochar has been the focus of much research in the last decade due to the improvement of soil chemical, physical, and biological attributes. Nonetheless, Brazil still has no specific legislation for biochar, limiting its agricultural use. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the use of biochar produced from spent coffee grounds (SCG) and coffee parchment (CP) by slow pyrolysis at 700 °C according to the existing framework of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply (MAPA) legislation for organic fertilizer, soil conditioner or plant substrate. Biochar was characterized according to normative instructions No. 17, 31, 61, 7, 5 and 35. Although not required by the addressed legislation, the semitotal content of macro- and micronutrients was also determined. While CP biochar could be used as an organic fertilizer or plant substrate, SCG biochar, due to its higher Ni content and lower than required cation exchange capacity (CEC), did not meet MAPA legislation criteria to allow for its agricultural use. Future regulations can be based on the current standards, and structural attributes, such as total C content, particle size distribution, and complete macro- and micronutrient determination should be included. Further research may also indicate the viability of biochar use as a soil conditioner based on a more representative set of biomasses with a higher CEC. These considerations will help to take advantage of the benefits of biochar to soil, contributing to a circular economy, which is still at a difficult stage in Brazil.
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    Nutritional value and fermentative characteristics of pearl millet silage with different levels of coffee husk
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023-07-17) Souza, Leir de Oliveira; Neiva Júnior, Arnaldo Prata; Tavares, Valdir Botega; Gurgel, Antonio Leandro Chaves; Teixeira, Rafael Monteiro Araújo; Lara, Erika Christina; Fernandes, Patrick Bezerra; Ítavo, Luís Carlos Vinhas
    The research was conducted to test the hypothesis that the inclusion of coffee husk (Coffea sp.) would improve the fermentative characteristics and quality of pearl millet silage (Pennisetumglaucum). Thus, the objective was to assess the effect of the inclusion of different levels of coffee husk in pearl millet silage on the chemical composition, fermentative characteristics and degradability in situ of silage. The experimental design used was completely randomized and the treatments consisted of the silage of the whole pearl millet plant with the inclusion of increasing levels of coffee husk: 0%, 7%, 14% and 21%, based on natural matter. After 60 days of fermentation, the silages were evaluated for chemical characteristics, fermentative, degradability in situ dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). The inclusion of coffee husk did not alter (P > 0.05) the contents of crude protein (11.94%), NDF (44.89%) and total digestible nutrients (65.09%). There were increases in the concentrations of DM and fiber in acid detergent, accompanied by a reduction in the concentrations of mineral matter and ether extract, as the proportion of coffee husks in silages increased. There was an increase in the lignin content up to the level of 7.59% inclusion of the coffee husk. There was no effect of the inclusion of the coffee husk on the pH of the silage (3.60). However, the inclusion of coffee husk resulted in a reduction in temperature, gas losses, and degradability in situ of silage DM and NDF. It is recommended to include coffee husk up to the level of 14.0% of the natural matter to improve the fermentation pattern and the quality of the pearl millet silage.
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    Remoção de compostos fenólicos em reatores anaeróbios de leito fixo com diferentes materiais suporte
    (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2010-05-19) Fia, Fátima R. L.; Matos, Antonio T. de; Borges, Alisson C.; Moreira, Débora A.; Fia, Ronaldo; Eustáquio Júnior, Valdeir
    Objetivou-se, com a realização deste estudo, efetuar a avaliação operacional de três reatores anaeróbios de leito fixo e com escoamento ascendente, contendo biomassa imobilizada na remoção de compostos fenólicos presentes na água residuária do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC). Os suportes utilizados na imobilização da biomassa foram: escória de alto-forno espuma de poliuretano e brita. Os reatores, confeccionados em PVC e com volume total de 139,5 L, foram alimentados com concentrações crescentes de compostos fenólicos (13, 19,7 e 42,7 mg L-1), sendo que o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) foi mantido em torno de 1,3 dias. No final de cada condição avaliada foram coletadas amostras de ARC, ao longo da altura dos reatores, para estudo cinético. A rápida aclimatação da biomassa aderida à escória resultou em uma eficiência maior de remoção de compostos fenólicos no período de partida bem como no melhor desempenho deste reator quanto à remoção desses compostos ao longo do período de experimentação. Os resultados indicaram que a escória de alto-forno apresentou maior potencial de utilização como material suporte de reatores anaeróbios, visando à remoção de compostos fenólicos da ARC.
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    Functional complementation of a yeast knockout strain by Schistosoma mansoni Rho1 GTPase in the presence of caffeine, an agent that affects mutants defective in the protein kinase C signal transduction pathway
    (Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde, 2006-05-26) Aguiar, Pedro H. N. de; Santos, Débora N.; Lobo, Francisco P.; Santos, Túlio M.; Macedo, Andréa M.; Pena, Sérgio D. J.; Machado, Carlos R.; Franco, Glória R.
    In a previous study, the Schistosoma mansoni Rho1 protein was able to complement Rho1 null mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells at restrictive temperatures and under osmotic stress (low calcium concentration) better than the human homologue (RhoA). It is known that under osmotic stress, the S. cerevisiae Rho1 triggers two distinct pathways: activation of the membrane 1,3-beta-glucan synthase enzymatic complex and activation of the protein kinase C1 signal transduction pathway, promoting the transcription of response genes. In the present work the SmRho1 protein and its mutants smrho1E97P, smrho1L101T, and smrho1E97P, L101T were used to try to clarify the basis for the differential complementation of Rho1 knockout yeast strain by the human and S. mansoni genes. Experiments of functional complementation in the presence of caffeine and in the presence of the osmotic regulator sorbitol were conducted. SmRho1 and its mutants showed a differential complementation of the yeast cells in the presence of caffeine, since smrho1E97P and smrho1E97P, L101T mutants showed a delay in the growth when compared to the yeast complemented with the wild type SmRho1. However, in the presence of sorbitol and caffeine the wild type SmRho1 and mutants showed a similar complementation phenotype, as they allowed yeast growth in all caffeine concentrations tested.
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    Café com quimioterapia: uma aplicação do planejamento fatorial fracionário 2|5-1
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2023-03-03) Silva, Kaique Carvalho da; Caldeira, Gabriel Rocha Figueira; Nogueira, Kenya Gomes; Canela, Maria Cristina; Filgueiras, Paulo Roberto; Souza, Murilo de Oliveira
    Chemometrics is a subfield of chemistry that emerged from advances in analytical instrumentation and computing. When seeking to solve chemical problems that depend on many concomitants experimental variables, chemometrics can be employed in order to extract as much information as possible in the least possible number of experiments. In addition, it is possible to evaluate the important effects and interactions among the variables to understand the processes being monitored in each system. In this sense, this article aimed to develop a didactic experiment of caffeine extraction using an espresso machine, applying the 25-1 fractional factorial design. The variables studied were temperature (75 and 78 °C), pressure (2 and 15 bar), granulation (bean and ground), type of coffee (special and traditional) and period of the day (morning and afternoon) to obtain maximum extraction of caffeine. The coffee extracts obtained were analyzed using UV-Vis molecular absorption spectrophotometry. The developed experiment showed the potential to spread the application of chemometrics in the academic environment and to facilitate the teaching of fractional factorial design.
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    Production of high dietary fiber and antioxidant activity bread from coffee parchment skin flour
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-11-10) Rizkaprilisa, Windy; Hapsari, Martina Widhi; Paramastuti, Ratih; Santosa, Kresna Mulya
    Parchment has a higher food fiber and antioxidant activity than coffee by-products. The increased food fiber and antioxidant parchment can be used to produce food products with nutritional value. One of the popular foods that be the most frequent choice is bread because it can provide a feeling of fullness compared to other snacks. However, bread can increase blood sugar levels and cause obesity because bread has a low dietary fiber content. Therefore, the high content of dietary fiber and antioxidants from parchment could potentially add to the nutritional value of bread, such as dietary fiber and antioxidants. In this study, we modify bread with high food fiber and antioxidant activity by adding parchment flour. Several analyses were conducted, including sensory properties, dietary fiber, antioxidant activity, and physical and chemical properties. The addition of parchment can increase dietary fiber and antioxidants in bread formulation. Parchment makes the bread dough darker and enhances the reddish color of the bread. Based on sensory evaluation, the panelists most liked the bread formulation with the addition of 2.5% parchment flour (P2). It has 6.01% dietary fiber content and 22.51% antioxidant activity. Adding 2.5% parchment flour can increase the carbohydrate content of the bread. Besides giving a feeling of fullness, this bread can also be a functional food that can reduce obesity and prevent disease. Parchment flour can add to the nutritional value of bread compared to other bread that does not use parchment flour.
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    Antimicrobial activity of toothpaste containing coffee pulp and silver skin and its effect on tooth hardness and roughness
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-09-26) Dewanti, I Dewa Ayu Ratna; Indahyani, Didin Erma; Yani, Ristya Widi Endah
    Coffee Pulp and silver skin contain compounds that alleged as anti-microbials, so they might be used as toothpaste. We made toothpaste from ethanol extract of Caffea robusta pulp and silver skin, then concentration were adjusted to 20; 30; 40 and 50%. Furthermore, they were tested for antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus sanguis and Candida albicans and its effect on tooth hardness and surface roughness. Antibacterial test used paper disc diffusion method, the parameter was the diameter of inhibition zone. Analysis of tooth hardness and surface roughness were conducted on extracted tooth (maxillary first premolars) after being brushing, using Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine (Mitutoyo, Brazil) and Surface Roughness Tester (Roughness Tester TR 220, Dongguan, China), respectively. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and LSD. Results showed that toothpaste containing coffee pulp and silver skin, both have demonstrated strong antibacterial activity against S. mutans, S. aureus, S. sanguis and C. albicans. There was no effect of the application of its toothpaste on tooth hardness and surface roughness. Conclusion, Toothpaste containing pulp and silver skin of Caffea robusta has strong inhibition against S. aureus, S. sanguis, C. albicans and does not affect the roughness and hardness of the tooth surface in vitro. So, pulp and silver skin of Caffea robusta can used as ingredient of toothpaste, either alone or in combination with two.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Effect of processing methods (washed, honey, natural, anaerobic) of catimor coffee on physical and sensory quality in Alto Inambari, Peru
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-07-17) Antezana, Ricardo Nahuel Valenzuela; Luna-Mercado, Genny Isabel
    Coffee cultivation is an important economic activity, produced mainly by small producers, being a major exportation product in Peru. Among the coffee varieties grown in the Puno region, the Catimor variety predominates, mainly because of its resistance to yellow rust and productivity. Was investigated the effect on the physical and sensory quality of four coffee processing methods (washed, honey, natural, anaerobic) and a control sample. Samples of three kilograms of Catimor coffee were harvested for each benefit method, then the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) methodology was applied to evaluate the physical and sensory quality, and the results were analyzed with analysis of variance and Tukey's multiple comparison. The results showed that yield, the main attribute of physical quality, grouped the treatments into two different groups: (1) control 71.17%, washed 75.83%, honey 75.24% and (2) natural 44.45%, anaerobic 45.70%; regarding to the sensory quality, of the sensory attributes only fragrance and body are significantly different, the total cup score was: 82.50 (control), 84.00 (washed), 82.88 (honey), 85.75 (natural) and 87.38 (anaerobic). There is a significant difference between the treatments, despite of the lower yields of the natural and anaerobic benefits, these benefit methods significantly improve sensory quality and therefore profitability. The study gives reference to the coffee producer on the processing method to be used to generate greater profits, and the organic and volatile components related to the benefit methods should be studied.